r/Whatcouldgowrong 5d ago

Guy flew by flipping me the bird 🐦🚨


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u/Currently_There 5d ago

Changing lanes in an intersection is illegal.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/PeePeeePooPoooh 5d ago

This was taken in Calgary Canada and also didn't show what happened prior to taking the video resulting in flipping the bird.


u/Fiery_Hand 5d ago

This driver is responsible for his own and other people safety while driving a potentially very deadly machine.

Whatever happened before doesn't matter, if he can't control his own emotions and break many road rules and endanger many people he shouldn't be driving at all.

People sometimes suck on the road, that's no excuse to turn into potential murderer. I believe driving licence is way to easily obtained considering grave consequences of irresponsible driving bring.


u/PeePeeePooPoooh 5d ago

I wasn't defending this driver btw. I was just stating that there is likely something else that occurred not captured on video involving this guy that may have resulted in him getting pulled over by police.


u/Fiery_Hand 4d ago

Oh I see, misread you I guess. I've often seen similar words trying to justify totally irresponsible road behaviour.