r/Whatcouldgowrong 6d ago

WCGW, or what he was thinking


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u/KayakingATLien 6d ago

Why morons can’t be left unattended


u/StarScreamer 6d ago

It's like people on reddit have never done stupid shit.


u/b0bkakkarot 6d ago

Not THAT stu- ... wait, nevermind. When I was about 10, my dumb ass decided I wanted to touch the tippy-most-top leaf on a tree that was more than 3 stories up (I knew that it was at least that high because I could see onto the flat roof of a 3-story apartment building nearby). Made it near the top, so I'm proud of that, but then a branch broke under one of my feet and I fell all the way down, landing flat on my back onto grass. I'm very lucky to have survived, and even luckier that it was with no severe injuries. Hurt like hell though.


u/MrMetraGnome 6d ago

Climbing top high is one thing, OP is a special kind of dumb