r/The10thDentist 4d ago

Society/Culture Sometimes I like tooth pain

I don’t mean tooth pain from a cavity (I’ve never experienced that but I can tell it absolutely sucks), but I remember when I was younger and had loose baby teeth I liked pushing on them even though it hurt. Like it hurt but it felt good. Same with today when I was getting a shot around the roof of my mouth to numb me for wisdom tooth removal it honestly felt kind of a good and I know that sounds weird which is why it’s getting posted on here. And no i do NOT have a pain kink. i think maybe it’s almost similar to how pressing on a bruise or sore spot can feel good ?


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u/icyx_majestic 4d ago

Even braces pain?


u/FlightSimmer99 4d ago

Is it really that bad? I’m 17 and getting braces soon lol so


u/GjonsTearsFan 4d ago

I didn’t mind it too bad when I had mine on. Pain only lasted like a day and I didn’t need any meds for it that I can recall, maybe some children’s Advil but I don’t think I even used that every adjustment time. The real trouble was the wires against my gums. I was really bad at applying the wax, it was more annoying to me than the pain of the wires against my gums and I still have long scars along my the insides of my cheeks from the wires repeatedly cutting them and I got my braces off 5ish years ago, they’re getting less raised these days so that’s good though. But the pain of adjustments wasn’t too bad and evidently even the wire wasn’t bad enough pain to get me to use my wax more than once lol.