r/ShouldIbuythisgame 1d ago

Cyberpunk Question

I’ve seen a lot of Cyberpunk related posts which has me intrigued. However, I have an unpopular opinion. I have struggled with RDR2. It’s taking me a long time to get used to everything. There is just a lot going on. There are a ton of items, I’m not smooth with using the controller bc of all the stuff you gotta keep track of, etc. Ghost of Tsushima, TLOU for example are pretty easy to play.

Will I struggle with cyberpunk if I struggle with rdr2?


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u/MapachoCura 1d ago

I would say it could go either way.... Cyberpunk has tons of guns and implants and things to find and figure out. I do find the combat controls to feel clunky compared to most other games. The game doesnt hold your hand - you really have to figure out a lot of things yourself or just guess. I didnt play RDR2 yet (just bought it on sale though so soon!) so I cant say if Cyberpunk is as challenging, but I could see some of the same challenges you describe being valid here too.