r/ShouldIbuythisgame 1d ago

Should I buy Path of Exile 2?

Played the first one for about 200 hours. Enjoyed it. Never got into the end game. The second one looks amazing. Played for an hour on my nephews account. Enjoyed what I played of it. I know it’s early access so it’s essentially a beta for 6 to 12 months. Should I buy it now or wait til full release?


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u/ra-hoch3 21h ago

If you can spare the 30 bucks and like ARPGs then I would totally recommend buying a Supporter Pack. The game is good. Better then most full release versions of live service games. For your money you also get Points to buy microtransactions like stash tabs. If you are done with the PoE 2 early access you also can use your stash tabs in PoE 1. It's a good bargain.