r/ShouldIbuythisgame 1d ago

[PC] Baldur's Gate 3 or Cyberpunk 2077

So far I'm planning to buy Skyrim, Terraria and Persona 5 Royal. I want to get cyberpunk since it seems good and my friend has recommended it to me. Thanks to the steam deal it's only £22 and with dlc it's £40. On the other hand, Baldur's Gate is £40, and it seems that everyone loves it. Some people will probably say buy both, but my friend will most likely ask me to get a bunch of games that we can play together, which would stop me from being able to get both games.


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u/The_Corvair 1d ago edited 1d ago

It's really a question of what you prefer; They're both great games with some of the best music around.

Cyberpunk has a large open world for you to faff about (though it only becomes truly open once you're through the prologue, which will take a few hours), while its quests are largely linear affairs (you do get to decide some things, but they usually don't have the impact of choices in BG3). It has driving, it has good and fast action combat, some great characters, and some emotionally brutal moments to boot.

Baldur's Gate 3 has a more segmented, "chapterized" structure where you move from area A to B to C as the game goes through those narrative chapters. Its world is insanely detailed, and it has so many moving bits and bobs that impact stuff from large to small that it really is hard to rival. It also delivers some gutwrenching character moments. It also is heavily systemic, which means it plays a bit like an immersive sim (moreso than Cyberpunk). Combat-wise, it's turn-based, and as such, can be a bit hard to get into if don't enjoy thinking your way through a fight.

Bonus: You could play Baldur's Gate 3 with your friend by starting a multiplayer campaign.

Honestly, without knowing how the purchase price on all that stuff shakes out for you, I would throw out Skyrim, and see if that's enough to get both Cyberpunk (plus DLC, it's excellent!) and Baldur's Gate 3, and then convince your friend to go play BG3 with you instead of getting additional games to play together (or at least, get fewer).