r/ShouldIbuythisgame 18h ago

[PC] Baldur's Gate 3 or Cyberpunk 2077

So far I'm planning to buy Skyrim, Terraria and Persona 5 Royal. I want to get cyberpunk since it seems good and my friend has recommended it to me. Thanks to the steam deal it's only £22 and with dlc it's £40. On the other hand, Baldur's Gate is £40, and it seems that everyone loves it. Some people will probably say buy both, but my friend will most likely ask me to get a bunch of games that we can play together, which would stop me from being able to get both games.


40 comments sorted by


u/The_Corvair 17h ago edited 16h ago

It's really a question of what you prefer; They're both great games with some of the best music around.

Cyberpunk has a large open world for you to faff about (though it only becomes truly open once you're through the prologue, which will take a few hours), while its quests are largely linear affairs (you do get to decide some things, but they usually don't have the impact of choices in BG3). It has driving, it has good and fast action combat, some great characters, and some emotionally brutal moments to boot.

Baldur's Gate 3 has a more segmented, "chapterized" structure where you move from area A to B to C as the game goes through those narrative chapters. Its world is insanely detailed, and it has so many moving bits and bobs that impact stuff from large to small that it really is hard to rival. It also delivers some gutwrenching character moments. It also is heavily systemic, which means it plays a bit like an immersive sim (moreso than Cyberpunk). Combat-wise, it's turn-based, and as such, can be a bit hard to get into if don't enjoy thinking your way through a fight.

Bonus: You could play Baldur's Gate 3 with your friend by starting a multiplayer campaign.

Honestly, without knowing how the purchase price on all that stuff shakes out for you, I would throw out Skyrim, and see if that's enough to get both Cyberpunk (plus DLC, it's excellent!) and Baldur's Gate 3, and then convince your friend to go play BG3 with you instead of getting additional games to play together (or at least, get fewer).


u/Weary-Examination696 18h ago

You seem like a real-time action game enjoyer based on your profile— I personally think Cyberpunk is the safer choice and given it costs less it gives you more to spend on games with your friend. Can always pick up BG3 when it falls to a similar price as well.


u/elmikemike 18h ago

Both amazing games.

I would decide based on what you enjoy the most: Turn based combat or first person action combat


u/LoungeCrook 12h ago

baldur’s gate 3


u/Anon419420 15h ago

The cyberpunk hate comments are wildly untrue. Even at release, if you played on pc, it was a decent and enjoyable game. It’s only gotten better since. This is hard, not because I think both games are equal, but because you’re already getting games that will consume your life. While I think Baldur’s Gate 3 is definitely the better game, I’d say get Cyberpunk because it’s easier to pick up and put down in bursts, so you can play your other games too.


u/DeafMetalGripes 17h ago

This is like the default post took on this sub lol


u/YetiPwr 17h ago

Oooh tough one. BG3 by a hair. I loved both games.


u/Pheo1386 16h ago

Tough call. Both are amazing.

If you have a VERY high end PC and want to be blown away with graphics, go cyberpunk. Otherwise BG3 is a fantastic game that isn’t as GPU intensive


u/bobs-buhgah 18h ago

I’d say cyberpunk too as it is the safer choice. with Skyrim, persona 5 royal and terraria, you’re likely spending over 100 hours easily with each which you will do with Baldurs gate. With cyberpunk you might spend about 60


u/HoratioButterbuns 17h ago

Tough question, but the good news is either game is incredible. I will say I think BG3 wins by a thread just because of the massive variety of ways to approach a single situation, hidden options that you can find if you're curious enough, just a very cery well designed game. Best CRPG I have ever played. BUT if you aren't a huge fan of that style of turn-based top down combat and exploration, then you may find the game to be a slog. A single playthrough can be over 200 hours if you're trying to do and see everything.


u/adofthekirk 14h ago

Both masterpieces; both in my top 5 hours played; completely different.


u/dope_like 12h ago

Both incredible but Cyberpunk is far easier to get into.

BG3 is insanely complex and hard to understand


u/TBdog 13h ago

Bg3 won game of the year. CP77 was one of the biggest disappointments. Easy decision. 


u/ThatOneGuysHomegrow 12h ago

Do not get cyberpunk.

Half finished ass open world. Group of 3 enemies or 15 enemies scattered throughout and an honestly short story which is cool. Definite save for next fall sale when you can get the ultimate edition for probably the same price.

Bg3 has over 17000 different endings.


u/Sirlacker 17h ago

BG3 a million times over.

Cyberpunk is basically a tech demo. There's about 4 hours worth of actual unique gameplay/content before it starts repeating itself.


u/Edgaras1103 17h ago

what the fuck is this post


u/Sirlacker 16h ago

What does Cyberpunk offer other than good graphics and a good story?

Theres fuck all exploration. There's no reason to, nothing is out there, no secrets, nothing to stumble upon.

Driving is diabolical for a AAA game.

Loot is shit. The non-iconic weapons are pointless and you're given the best weapon in the game early on. You don't have to grind or go searching for a unique good weapon, they're handed to you on a plate. Like a weapon but it's a low tier? No problem upgrade it. It's the exact same as finding that weapon at a higher tier anyway.

With the exception of about 5 missions, they're all exactly the same.

The AI is absolute dog shit. Stand 25m away and headshot everyone with a silenced pistol and even the guy standing next to the guy you shot doesn't give a fuck.

The controling cyberware is shit. The only useful things are disable camera, suicide and on the odd occasion destroy vehicle. The rest are useless.

Wanna do something fun like drive a tank? Yeah one mission and that's it, never use that asset again, not even for fun. Wanna get in a flying car and roam around? Nah that's reserved for one mission as basically a cut scene.

If you want to play the game that doesn't involve using the iconic pistol, then you have to literally make a conscious effort to not use it. That's not good mission/game design.

Upgrading, well it's okay when you don't have many points because you're forced down a path. But in the end you can pretty much put point where ever you want, there may as well not be a skill tree.

Wanna get a 5 star wanted level and get chased by jets and helicopters round a futuristic city? Nope. All that happens is drop ships drop off more senseless AI.

I can go on and on.

Beyond the story and graphics, the game is a complete downgrade from any other similar type of game out there. Zero actual effort was put in to the gameplay after the initial concept. It's not even an opinion, there is fuck all, gameplay wise that can be considered good, or even different. Everything they touched they managed to half ass.

Again, it's a fun first couple hours and then that's where it starts to show it's true colours. An empty open world, with copy and paste missions but change the dialogue.

They could have added the lore for NPCs to talk about but no they even took the easy route of just adding them as collectible tapes that just display text.

u/achisholm 2h ago

BG3 by far. Agreed with the others. I hate the game with a burning passion too. A huge disappointment, personally speaking!

The environment feels utterly dead to me, despite the polished visuals. Not immersive at all.

The illusion of choice is mostly a facade over an underlying linear structure. Many missions are in some tunnel system where any attempt to step out of it quickly reveals that there is actually no freedom to play in a novel or creative way in that Baldurs Gate III can offer. Some sections are so bad for this that you might as well randomly mash the buttons for half an hour while some predestined story plays out.

I had no emotional connection with the main characters. They all annoyed the heck out of me.

The guns and fighting systems are unrealistic and not fun to me whatsoever while the AI is pathetic.

The UI design and theme choices in the menus drive me crazy.

I could go on and on! 🤪

u/Finalwingz 0m ago


Everything is wrong


u/Edgaras1103 16h ago

ok, have a nice day


u/Starry080 15h ago

Dude is a straight up hater lmao, what a scrub 😆

u/Sirlacker 50m ago

Not hard to see the game for how bad it is when you're not simping over Keanu Reeves and CDPR

u/Finalwingz 1m ago

It's an objectively amazing game. It has some of the best combat in any action RPG. It's fast-paced, skill based, and very fluid.

I'm sorry you're a hater.


u/qwtd 13h ago

Gameplay is easily one of the best things about the game???? People have the right to their opinions but it gets to a point lmao


u/MapachoCura 18h ago

I think BG3 is a way better game. Some aspects of Cyberpunk are fantastic but some are also pretty rough or clunky…. BG3 on the other hand is incredibly polished and every aspect of it seems well made.

That being said, personal taste is important too and I don’t know yours. So you might enjoy Cyberpunk more even if BG3 is a better game overall.


u/Dub_J 17h ago

My 2 personal GOATs

Note that BG3 can really consume your life. It’s hard to sit down for less than 3-4 hours and when you finish you’ll boot another run.


u/Rhobaz 17h ago

Do you prefer first person action? Or top-down turn-based combat? I couldn’t get into BG3 so for me it’s Cyberpunk by a mile, but if you like the latter then Baldurs Gate is clearly a very good example of it.


u/HatefulDan 14h ago

Yes the search feature. This question has been asked and answered 500xs.


u/0rganicMach1ne 12h ago


Jokes aside, while both are phenomenal sci-fi is my preference/bias so Cyberpunk gets my vote.

u/F_DeX 11h ago

There is no wrong choice, both are great games. But Cyberpunk is easier to understand and get into, BG3 can be too complex for someone new to this type of game.

u/WhatIsUpG 36m ago

IMO, cyberpunk was boring af. The combat got stale extremely quickly. Don’t even get me started on the dialogue.. so much talking, to the point where that’s what you’re doing 50% of the time. Got me zoning out completely, and not caring for the story.

Take RDR2 for example. That game also has lots of dialogue, but it’s often presented in beautifully made cutscenes that feels like watching a movie. In CP, all the dialogue is in first person, which for me just made it way less captivating.


u/pyknictheory 18h ago

Cyberpunk is 100% not worth it without the dlc. Dont even bother getting only the base game as the DLC is that good. Cyberpunk is a lot more accessible than BG3, but BG3 has much more roleplaying options.


u/OranguTangerine69 17h ago

cyberpunk is like a 4-5/10 and bg3 is like a 8/10


u/Ok_Style4595 16h ago

CP2077. It's a cool game with a ton of replayability. BG3 is boring.


u/KindaHODL 15h ago

Played both. CP 2077 is the safer bet. BG3 I couldn't get into, but I played on PS5, would of been better on PC.


u/Vazefnier 18h ago edited 18h ago

If you want to play C2077 right now you should buy it but if you are not i'm sure the games will get cheaper otherwise buy Baldur's gate cause probably never get into much more discount also it have multiplayer too!