r/SelfAwarewolves 4d ago

Can Dingos be wolves too?

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u/Sartres_Roommate 4d ago

Centrist welcome. Don’t try to drag sane people into your insanity.

But yeah, libertarians are just conservatives who read more books but actually became more ignorant by doing so.


u/Prosthemadera 4d ago

Centrist welcome. Don’t try to drag sane people into your insanity.

Anyone who insists they're a centrist is not. They all complain about the left, Democrats while having very little to say against conservatives. That is my experience over many years.

An actual centrist would call themselves liberal or Democrat.

libertarians are just conservatives who read more books

They read one more book than conservatives, i.e. just one book, Atlas Shrugged.


u/bretshitmanshart 3d ago

Centrists seem to be people who parrot Republican talking points but thing claiming to be a centrist is a gotcha.