r/SelfAwarewolves 4d ago

Can Dingos be wolves too?

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u/Senninha27 4d ago

In my experience, furries are the nicest, least harmful people you could meet. Why on earth would anyone want to attack them? Just let them do their thing and enjoy life! Sheesh, why is this such a hard concept for righties?


u/tesseract4 4d ago

They're different. That's enough for a lot of people.


u/TOPSIturvy 4d ago edited 4d ago

Always need to have an other to act as a scapegoat, after all.


u/ThatDandyFox 4d ago

It's in the name, "conservative". You don't conserve traditional values by accepting people who are different from you.


u/adamdoesmusic 4d ago

The group is largely gay and autistic, two things the right seems to hate for some reason.


u/Wolfgirl90 4d ago

Because these two groups tend to be happy when they are able to be their true authentic selves, which pisses off conservatives to no end.

They see the LGBTQ community and neurodivergent folks as being sinners. So when they see these people happy or expressing themselves, their brains misfire.

"Wait, they are sinners. They can't possibly be happy. Because I'm living my live according to the church and I'm miserable! Why can they be happy and be who they want to be while I'm miserable and have everything dictated to me?"


u/OurLordAndSaviorVim 4d ago

Weirdly, most of them aren’t even living their lives according to any religion. They claim their beliefs are religious not because they have any purpose in their ritual lives, but because they refuse to be challenged.

Conservatism is the sign of a person without an inner life, who can’t imagine anything.


u/entropicdrift 4d ago

Conservatism is the sign of a person without an inner life, who can’t imagine anything.

As a leftist who grew up in a rural, conservative area, I wouldn't say that's strictly true. It seems to me more true to say that conservatives' inner lives are dominated by fear. That could be due to insecurity or lack of imagination in many cases, but I think for most of them it has to do more with equating fear and respect. To them, a leader who isn't scary isn't respectable. To them, Kamala Harris isn't as respectable as Trump because he's a lunatic and she's not. Thus, their rhetoric about other countries laughing at Biden and Obama but not at Trump makes more sense. Trump (their imaginary version of him) is scary, powerful, and strong, while Biden was weak and too nice.

They think mean, abusive narcissist dad (Trump) is better than the dad who'd take you for ice cream and call you "sport" (Biden) because it's what they're used to. It's the same reason a ton of them will never vote for a woman, regardless of how many never-Trumpers endorse her.


u/Glass1Man 4d ago


Fur suits are like luxury space suits.

When you are looking at someone else’s six grand space suit, you get a bit jealous.

The individuality rotatable ears, so jealous.


u/4ngryMo 4d ago

There are people out there that are so miserable, they literally can’t bear anyone around them being happy.


u/bretshitmanshart 3d ago

They are an easy target. Chronically online people needed a group to bully to feel cooler.

It's the marching band kids making fun of the jazz band kids.