r/RedDeadOnline Sep 24 '24

Meme Because wtf Rockstar

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u/New-Independent4517 Naturalist Sep 24 '24 edited Sep 25 '24

Censorship conditioning is the current industry standard, that's why.

Corporations love censorship. It keeps investor money safe, and investors must always be appeased.


u/puphyin Sep 25 '24

If it really is this bad how are they ever going to make gta6 good, you can't make a r* game and please the 60 year old investors at the same time


u/New-Independent4517 Naturalist Sep 25 '24

It doesn't need to be good to sell.

FOMO on the new installment in the gta IP will make it fly off shelves, and addiction land it.

Tons are already hooked on gtao. They've wanted this game for a decade. no matter what information tells them not to, they'll feed into it.

The investors will be satiated.


u/puphyin Sep 25 '24

True, I knew it would sell anyway but I was just thinking that it would ruin their track record of good, detailed games and mark the downfall of the company because even though they'll make big money for a while this is ultimately a failing business strategy since people will eventually stop buying your crap and you'll die out


u/New-Independent4517 Naturalist Sep 25 '24 edited Sep 26 '24

Gta VI will sell and likely ruin their track record. But R* has a cult of apologists that will cushion the blowback.

It is a failing strategy, but R* is looking to sanitize it's former work and "Frat Boy" culture. That tells me their talent is gone, anyways. The Frat Boy bit is an article title.

In the long run, you are right. They will join Ubisoft, Bethesda, and Rocksteady in the corner of shame.