Thanks, i was wondering if the people of gaza had this for over a year while actually getting bombed , not just getting a scare like us.
Edit: i am palestinian , but I do not live in gaza or the west bank, i live in occupied jerusalem. What i am saying is that we who are not getting bombed got scared, imagine getting bombed like this for more than 20 years by israel like gaza. Here we might get assaulted by israeli police or army and there have been some close encounters that left me, my wife, and newborn shaking.
You become desensitized when you are use to it but it doesn't directly affect you. They are reacting now, because it's at their doorstep and has become a real threat to them.
Jerusalem had a majority Jewish population for over a century prior to 1947, those Jews were ethnically cleansed by literal Nazi war criminals, Jordan colonized Jerusalem for 20 years, and then the occupation ended in 1967.
It's just like a zionist to see someone posting about being scared of dying to a bomb and then screeching hamas with all the nuance of a fat flopping fish.
What are you talking about? My paid for iron dome did its job. My sympathy remains with people who have zero iron dome to protect them and have been having their entire families vaporized and crushed every minute of every day for the past year
I'm mostly talking about your lack of any sympathy or empathy toward a human being going through a situation that you have likely never come close to experiencing. You're just blindly rooting for your "team" like this is some spectacle and not real people. Its disgusting.
You love putting words into other people's mouths. You hear only what you want to hear. Interesting.
The op comment is Palestinian living in occupied Jerusalem. This comment you are reacting to is pointing out how Palestinians have been dealing with this for almost a year.
You are completely tilted. I'd recommend a pause, and reconsider your logic here.
You implied they deserved it. You responded to someone, likely Israeli, talking about being under attack, and you decided it was appropriate to say to them that the Palestinians have been experiencing so much worse. Chronically online.
You must be in the top 1% of America tax payers if you even think you could get close enough to paying towards the iron dome. Israel is the Wests greatest ally in the entire region surrounded by enemies. If those states could accept the existence of Israel one can dream they might no longer need the iron dome. I'm they'd like to avoid having to rely on American funding for defense along with Ukraine. Depending on who wins elects or whatever propaganda people believe on social media has very different outcomes for both their futures.
Amazing that someone who posts such a disgusting thing to someone under a missile barrage can act so superior lmao. Maybe you should look up how normal people react to someone talking about missiles overhead?
Usually, we palestinians are not afraid of rockets since if they fall on us, we do not have shelters to hide in. Because we know that they are not aimed at us. The only thing we were afraid of was israel shooting them down on us like they did in the north, where they dropped on a druze community children playground. Up till now, we do not know if it was an israeli rocket or the israeli iron dome hitting a rocket over them, causing it to come down on the children.
u/noOnesBusinessBMO Oct 01 '24
These passed over my house earlier. All the neighborhood was out watching. The explosions rocked the house.