r/OnePieceTC Jan 13 '21

Megathread [ENG][JPN] January 13, 2021 - January 20, 2021 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

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u/fullmetallamps Jan 19 '21 edited Jan 19 '21

Is there any benefit to rainbowing PVP RR units? Like boosted stats in PVP?


u/Amakawa6 GL - 125 339 976 Jan 19 '21

just for the stats, more combat power


u/fullmetallamps Jan 19 '21

So I only need one copy of a PVP unit and Rayleigh shop the rest, I guess, right?


u/Amakawa6 GL - 125 339 976 Jan 19 '21

No, feed it to same unit after you limit break the unit. Dont sell any pvp unit to rayleigh shop


u/fullmetallamps Jan 19 '21

Oh, my bad. The wording of my own question made it difficult to understand your answer lol


u/Amakawa6 GL - 125 339 976 Jan 19 '21

Thats fine. Have one copy of your pvp unit then limit break it then feed you extra copies to it. Never sell it to rayleigh unless you have more than 8 copies. 8 copies are needed to limit break a unit for it to be rainbowed.


u/gottem11111 R.I.P. Anlord † - never forget ☮ Jan 19 '21

Don't feed them, it's not worth it. They have the worst LB potentials, it's so easy to max them with tablets instead.

Rather safe another copy, so you can have the same unit with different combat power and special/ability levels. That gives you flexibilty for your defense teams.


u/GoldFishPony The Next Strawhat Legend Jan 19 '21

Why on earth would you sell f2p dupes and use tablets instead?


u/gottem11111 R.I.P. Anlord † - never forget ☮ Jan 19 '21

He’s talking about PvP RR‘s. I don’t know hat you’re referring to.


u/GoldFishPony The Next Strawhat Legend Jan 19 '21

So I only need one copy of a PVP unit and Rayleigh shop the rest, I guess, right?

Now I may be reading this wrong but the “the rest” part of this makes me think they’re talking about PvP reward units like Enel and lucci.


u/gottem11111 R.I.P. Anlord † - never forget ☮ Jan 19 '21

oh yeah, in this case you're right. i assumed hes talking about the rr's because i thought its obvious how you proceed with f2p units.

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u/GoldFishPony The Next Strawhat Legend Jan 19 '21

Do you mean PvP rr or the PvP unit you get from participating in PvP?