r/OnePieceTC Jan 13 '21

Megathread [ENG][JPN] January 13, 2021 - January 20, 2021 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

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u/Bloatfizzle Promising Rookie Jan 13 '21

How much do you need to save up to get new units? Is it just not possible as a f2p unless you get extremely lucky to pull a new unit? I summoned on the Gold Roger banner upto step 4, Boa Hancock Banner upto step 4 and Sugar banner upto to step 6. The summoning pool is so bloated I genuinely feel like you would be lucky to pull one new character in a year. I haven't been playing that long so looking for advice/thoughts from more experienced players.


u/BonClayIsHotaf Promising Rookie Jan 13 '21

its all about luck at the end of the day. if you want to use ur gems the most efficient way u should always try to save at least for the steps wich include limited pool legends so you have a better chance on pulling something that you dont have. however its not always the right way.

heres how i see it:

I ve been playing on the jp server for around 3 1/2 years and HATE to save gems.I spend them whenever i want to. the most gems i ve saved were around 300-350 gems before a sugo started wich i also only did twice in these past years wich is pretty much nothing compared to others. Id propably get insanely mad if i saved for a really long time skipping banners everytime and end up pulling nothing so id rather just pull every once in a while.Now this isnt a good way to use ur gems but even though i spend my gems so recklesly i own nearly all legends. again its a gamble. both ways work its just that by saving for so long and trying to get the most out of the steps it gives you a better chance at getting something new but it also means that it ll hurt alot more if you still end up pulling nothing. the important thing is wich way is more enjoyable for you.

this is just my opinion tho 😄


u/detoni89 Promising Rookie Jan 13 '21

Ofc it's luck.

There is nothing guaranteed but multi 30.

I'd recommend to save at least 9 Multis.

I'm never able to save that much and still only missing 2 legends...so like I said, pure luck


u/KillJoy-Player ‎ Jan 13 '21

That's just rng messing with you. 2 years player of Global and 2 2/3 years of playing jp here.

I'm a F2P too, and also been there where you can't get new units even though the rates tells you have the advantage. That's also the main reason some players left. Though before you get down, I'm telling you again, that's just rng messing with you. Sooner or later, you'll eventually get new units, heck that might even come from tickets. You're doing fine if you're really pulling with more than 3 multis and save if it's not a good banner. Just continue looking your odds against the rates before you pull. Pull either you have a good chance of pulling new ones or if you just really want to pull that debut unit.