r/OnePieceTC Dec 30 '20

Megathread [ENG][JPN] December 30, 2020 - January 06, 2021 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

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u/gottem11111 R.I.P. Anlord † - never forget ☮ Jan 04 '21

I almost feel like doin something wrong

dont waste your time on reddit, grind! But seriously, they are insanecheaters?!. I watched the top 3 the last 5mins, recorded 9 point totals, and this is what I got:

  • avg. clear time: ~2:05 min
  • avg. points per clear: 1,164
  • total amount of points (#1) / avg. points per clear = 2,500,794 / 1,164 = 2,148 total clears

Keep in mind, all point differentials I watched had no almighty/proof of friendship item in them, so the avg. points per clear is definetly a bit higher. But nevertheless, assuming the avg. would be like 1,500, that still requires over 1,600 clears. With 2 min avg. clear time we get ~53 h of gameplay.


u/DonQuixote_Rosinante PantsuHunter~~~~~ Jan 04 '21

thank u so much man, I appreciate the rundown! but for now. BACK TO GRIND AHHHHH#

thank u !


u/gottem11111 R.I.P. Anlord † - never forget ☮ Jan 04 '21

good luck! what's your goal?


u/DonQuixote_Rosinante PantsuHunter~~~~~ Jan 04 '21

im in top 2k rn global but I just like to maintain the 2k to 3k range for 80 gems


u/gottem11111 R.I.P. Anlord † - never forget ☮ Jan 04 '21

great effort, hope you can do it. im chilling in top 8k, just going for 60 gems, the legend ticket, and 2 gold keys. seemed to have the best value for (its also top 3k for Garp, so that fits imo).

did you pull oden and roger? i only have roger, and not enough time ;)


u/DonQuixote_Rosinante PantsuHunter~~~~~ Jan 04 '21

honestly top 8k sounds fine for me too, i just started to grind and after a day I checked my rank and estimated what I can do max. I got boith oden and roger and the batch but I had to use alot of gems for that :')


u/gottem11111 R.I.P. Anlord † - never forget ☮ Jan 05 '21

it wasnt, unfortunately. placed 10628, time zone f***** me once more :)


u/DonQuixote_Rosinante PantsuHunter~~~~~ Jan 05 '21

yea i rly dont like my timezone eather... T_T always ending events on 4am is so bad in comparison to the pst with 7pm chill ending x'D


u/FateOfMuffins Doktah Carrot Muffins Jan 04 '21

My top speed is around 1:55, including loading. I think Japan players might have less loading time too, although I'd say the floor is probably 1:45-1:50 at the absolute fastest. Even then during the first few hours of the Blitz, rank 1 was like 1.5x my points which I felt was impossible.

In the Summer Girls Blitz on JP, which lasted only 53h, the top rank was > 2M points as well. Which also felt impossible cause given my fastest runs at the time plus some seconds shaved off for loading, that should've taken like 58h when the event lasted only 53h.

Perhaps it falls under the margin of error, but even in that case that rank 1 player would've needed to play for 53h straight out of 53h of Blitz at top speeds that I could only get by focusing 100% (and not by grinding while multi tasking like watching YouTube)

I'm not sure if they mod, cause the high rankers in JP are pretty damn high profile, given they do it so consistently, and there's multiple reports of people gaining 0 pts when cheating. But almost without a doubt they're physically account sharing. I could even understand 53h of non stop grind, but I can't fathom 53h of non stop grind at absolute peak performance.

I'd say anyone in the top 10 would have to have been grinding for > 60h out of the total 66h thus far. Cause otherwise there's another person right behind them that would gladly take their position.


u/gottem11111 R.I.P. Anlord † - never forget ☮ Jan 04 '21

yeah, i agree that it seems far off of an individual, manually performance. but without proof, there is nothing bandai can do, i imagine. imo its definetly in the realm of possibility that they use some sort of auto clicker and or account sharing.