r/OnePieceTC Oct 07 '20

MEGATHREAD [ENG][JPN] October 06, 2020 - October 13, 2020 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

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u/aekner Promising Rookie Oct 10 '20

What's the use of RCV for some units in Pirate Festival/Rumble (PvP)? In normal game mode, RCV contributes to how much each meat orb recovers. But for most units in PvP, they don't have a heal action and I am not sure if RCV means anything. If RCV really doesn't do anything for those units, why don't Bandai just set the RCV of all units without a heal to 0? It is really misleading, for example V1 Sabo legend, has a super high RCV that is literally useless.


u/KillJoy-Player Oct 10 '20

why don't Bandai just set the RCV of all units without a heal to 0?

Cause on vanilla optc, they can still be able to use that stat for eating the rcv orbs. You can still get it by chance that might save you on forests or any other long contents. You can get it from CA's that boost the chances of getting it and actually benefits from consuming it like Super type Hancock. Or you can just get it surely from orb manipulation that can actually have some use now against the new Hunger debuff in jp.


u/aekner Promising Rookie Oct 10 '20

I know RCV has its use in vanilla OPTC and I stated it in my original comment. I am just wondering if RCV has any use in PvP if the character doesn't have a heal action.


u/KillJoy-Player Oct 10 '20

For targetting like how V3 Akainu targets highest rcv unit. Also, changing just some unit's rcv to 0 would just cost them another space for codes, might as well leave that with the same formula like the others.


u/aekner Promising Rookie Oct 10 '20

V3 Akainu targeting highest RCV unit is another reason why those without heal action should have 0 RCV in PvP as the unit's intention is clearly trying to stop the other team from healing. Of course it will take some effort to make the change and I understand it would not be Bandai's top priority as there are many other things worth making changes.