r/OnePieceTC Oct 07 '20

MEGATHREAD [ENG][JPN] October 06, 2020 - October 13, 2020 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

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u/KindBass LOCK ON! Oct 09 '20

PvP question: people with the meta slasher/shooter teams set as your defenders, do you get defenses and rumble tickets? Because I, for one, don't even consider fighting anything with v1 Doffy.

I've tried experimenting with some of my own (defending) teams, and I've gotten about 1 defense per day, but I have no idea if that's decent or not. I have all the units for the slasher team, so if people are getting like 10 defenses/day, I may as well roll with that too.

Side comment: I've seen a couple teams using Tankman, QCKbeard, Stampede Franky and some other units I can't remember, and I feel like it's a great team because sometimes I win easily and sometimes I time out, so I'm always tempted to fight that team. Especially when it's the first non-meta team I see after 20 refreshes.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '20

I tried the shooter team as defense between rank 1500-2000 and didn’t get a single defense in 48 hours.

I went back to a my fighter defense after that and got a lot more.

Seems like most people don’t want to fight meta which is understandable


u/WhitbyRams No gems no hope Oct 09 '20

People are avoiding the slasher team like a plague. I would only do it if my team is out number theirs and have higher levels in special and abilities.

I think there are 2 reasons why you get less defensive wins. First, most people who are qualified in block A are less motivated to gem and keep playing. The hard core players are still playing but they are in the top 500 or 1000. Second, people' attack teams are stronger than they were in block A because people are upgrading their attack teams. Since scrolls are still very limited, it is very hard to upgrade the defence team at the same time. People could put their attack teams as the defence team but they could scare people off if they are using the meta teams.


u/[deleted] Oct 09 '20

i only had a lot of defenses first day (about 10), with porks + slashers, second day maybe 1 or 2. Then i did't receive any defense more. I changed to a non-meta team and im getting +2 defense per day now. At lowers ranks there are plenty of casual people attacking randomly, so the best strat is make a super strong team, later it's innefective.