r/OnePieceTC Oct 07 '20

MEGATHREAD [ENG][JPN] October 06, 2020 - October 13, 2020 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

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u/Snowcrest Best Girl Oct 07 '20

In PF, how does CT work on units coming in from your bench?

For example: 20CT unit comes into play from bench, does he need to be active for 20s, or as long as timer is below 80s, unit activates special right away.

Or something else entirely..?

I've seen an enemy sub germa unit (blue..?) come off bench, and immediately launch his special, while my subs need to wait for a timer (reduced?).


u/FateOfMuffins Doktah Carrot Muffins Oct 07 '20

From what we've observed, the unit coming from the bench seems to inherit the defeated unit's CT timer. i.e. if a unit has 20 CT already charged and is killed, the new unit will come in with 20/30 CT. While if a unit has 40 CT already charged, the new unit will come in at 30/30 CT.

It becomes very funky when multiple units die and are replaced at the same time however


u/Snowcrest Best Girl Oct 07 '20

Oh wow.

Thanks for the explanation...

Is it possible to abuse this mechanic where as defender, you put a fodder sacraficial unit that accumulates damage while charging CT, and when it dies you transfer that CT to a fresh prime unit you actually care about?


u/FateOfMuffins Doktah Carrot Muffins Oct 07 '20

You could. You simply need to ensure that this fodder unit dies in time - if they use their special BEFORE they die, then the charging gets wasted. Also when their CT is capped, they no longer continue charging. You also have to consider what if other units die before this fodder unit? Since units have different CT caps, will they transfer the necessary amount of CT to your backup?

This is also why using units without PF abilities (like pigs) can be a double edged sword. They don't have a special to charge, so the backup units don't get to inherit any CT at all. The goal is to bait in players, but it WILL make your team weaker as a result. It's tough to balance

So be careful when you have units in backup that you REALLY want their specials out ASAP. One big example of this is the CPU Super QCK stages that Bandai made. The first one had PF WB in the main team, while the second one had PF WB in the bench. The first one was traumatizing and WB's special was reliably ready by 70s or so. While the second one was much weaker and WB's special usually came out later, with some RNG in play on how his special got charged due to which units got killed etc.


u/Snowcrest Best Girl Oct 07 '20

Thank you very much for the detailed explanation!

Looks like I'll need to try finding some cheap units with actual abilities to test it out.