r/OnePieceTC May 20 '20

MEGATHREAD [ENG][JPN] May 19, 2020 - May 26, 2020 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

This megathread is to house your questions regarding teambuilding or just questions in general about the game.

Don't hesitate to ask!

  • Posting your box is recommended for more accurate advice, but please sort your characters by "favorite" and make sure you have every important character marked as favorite to get the best posible answers

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Current & Repeat Events

All concurrent events are updated manually and can be found in the following wiki pages:


Please refer to the sidebar, menu, wiki, megathreads OR use the search bar.

Question not answered? You may re-post within a reasonable time frame (~2H)

Do NOT ask for karma/upvotes. If you see anyone doing so, please report them.


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u/AdeptWatercress5 Promising Rookie May 23 '20

I see there are a lot of different sugofests: support sugo, llr sugo, TM sugo, kizuna sugo etc.

Still don't get the difference. Can certain characters be pulled only in specific sugofests? If yes, where I can find a list of these characters (and related sugo in which I can pull them)?


u/Jojoisnotdumb Promising Rookie May 24 '20

Basically every sugo contains every legend unless it's restricted to certain classes and they are named based on certain units appearances

Like a kizuna sugo is just a regular sugo but with kizuna point boosters

A Treasure Map sugo is a regular sugo with Treasure Map point boosters

Usually a Legendary Rare recruit sugo (you called it llr but I think you mean lrr) contains lrr units which are kinda better than regular units and they typically don't contain legends but lrr can easily be replaced but the only 2 that see play are Bonney and Tashigi

Support sugo fest should never be pulled on unless your a whale if your F2P it's just a waste of gems since many support sugo don't have legends available

Finally the last thing when a sugo is out you can see a tab on the sugo page called event details and scroll to the bottom clicking on the orange button let's you see every unit available sorted by rarity and shows their drop rate