r/OnePieceTC May 20 '20

MEGATHREAD [ENG][JPN] May 19, 2020 - May 26, 2020 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

This megathread is to house your questions regarding teambuilding or just questions in general about the game.

Don't hesitate to ask!

  • Posting your box is recommended for more accurate advice, but please sort your characters by "favorite" and make sure you have every important character marked as favorite to get the best posible answers

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All concurrent events are updated manually and can be found in the following wiki pages:


Please refer to the sidebar, menu, wiki, megathreads OR use the search bar.

Question not answered? You may re-post within a reasonable time frame (~2H)

Do NOT ask for karma/upvotes. If you see anyone doing so, please report them.


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u/JCTheGreat1 Yosh May 22 '20 edited May 22 '20

Can I get some advice on which my legends & 5* should I be taking priority in for current and future content? I’ve pretty much been bursting through the older raids and stuff with my legends but I can’t get to the harder content without knowing who’s even worth investing time in. https://imgur.com/a/qkqjb0K

Edit: Also, should I SE G4V2 Luffy to Snakeman? What’s units are good to support him?


u/CubeoHS May 22 '20

I can’t link it from my phone, but if you visit the sub wiki’s legend guides and read the guide for Snakeman I believe whoever made it basically compiles the best subs in there. Granted it’s not totally up to date but it’ll give you an idea.