r/OnePieceTC May 20 '20

MEGATHREAD [ENG][JPN] May 19, 2020 - May 26, 2020 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

This megathread is to house your questions regarding teambuilding or just questions in general about the game.

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  • Posting your box is recommended for more accurate advice, but please sort your characters by "favorite" and make sure you have every important character marked as favorite to get the best posible answers

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u/regretz7 JPN- 345 186 362 May 22 '20

They've reworked the fn system. The new system made it that everyday will have different fn that will give skillbook for different unit, depending on their type. Monday is for str unit, tuesday dex and so on. So if you need snakeman book, wait till monday and check the fn island. His book should be there.


u/GiovanniPastoSerale 335 617 549 May 22 '20

Oh thanks I didn't know. And what about tandem's skillbook? I can find it both days?


u/GiovanniPastoSerale 335 617 549 May 22 '20

Also how can i know in which of the avaiable fn is the skillbook i want? Sorry for so many questions


u/regretz7 JPN- 345 186 362 May 22 '20

You can click on the drop info to see what skillbook are available. And for the tandem, what do you mean by tandem?


u/GiovanniPastoSerale 335 617 549 May 22 '20

Sorry i meant the double chars units that can switch, like WB-Marco or Lawffy


u/regretz7 JPN- 345 186 362 May 22 '20

Ah I see. Hmm I'm not sure about them.


u/GiovanniPastoSerale 335 617 549 May 22 '20

Oh ok, ty so much, you helped me a lot. I wasn't finding anything on google


u/DaGwynbleidd-94 Promising Rookie May 23 '20

The problem is that the available skillbooks only goes up to luffy/law as the last one, everyone after them has NO farmable sbs (in glb, dont know about jpn)


u/regretz7 JPN- 345 186 362 May 23 '20

They will add more in the future. Also, you guys will be getting a monthly skillbook island that will give the sb for newest batch, which makes it easier to max new unit.