r/OnePieceTC May 20 '20

MEGATHREAD [ENG][JPN] May 19, 2020 - May 26, 2020 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

This megathread is to house your questions regarding teambuilding or just questions in general about the game.

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u/AndresE713 Promising Rookie May 21 '20

Hey Im a new at the game ,i play global.

I just wanna know ,what the gem valley accident was?,i have see people in this subreddit like name it ,but i don't know exactly what it was,i suppose it was about people like hacking the game to get many gems.

what consequences did this entail for the players?


u/KillJoy-Player May 21 '20

Happened on January. Before the month itself, months ago, there was an event where players were able to get gems base on how many content they have destroyed. But even the true event itself, it only gave one mail per player that contains the gem prize. But on January, unlimited mails appeared to the players from that event, and they were able to claim it again. But the turning point was when they load it back (going to tavern maybe then go back to mails, just any way to load the mails again), they were able to get the mail again and of course, claim the rewards again infinitely.

In short, it's not a hack, it was a game fault, by the developer or maybe just by the game itself.

If I'm correct, players who managed to exploit the fault did not specifically got it. Instead, random players got random issues.


u/Raitei-7 Evil God Raien May 21 '20 edited May 21 '20

They send a mail containing gem for some reward that I don't remember. Which is normal.

But that mail showed up to everyone unlimitedly. When you refreshed your mails, new one popped up. They screwed up, it wasn't because of players hacked the game.

So, you got unlimited gems.. most people abused it and pulled many many multipulls.

Some used the gems for box expansion to the limit, some used the dupes they got from multipulls to rainbow their preexisting legends.

After everything was over, they didn't go for server wide roll back (reverting everyone's units, gems etc to the date before that bug happened). Instead they removed gems and some things I'm not sure of.

But they didn't take away the box expansion increase and rainbow status from preexisting legends. (Which is totally unfair. That's why they should've roll back. But I know, it's hard thing to do in gacha game. Many people used their real gems to summon and got good things. They would be outraged)

After this incident, whenever bad management happened, people thinks its because we are being punished by bandai for gem valley.

But in truth, bamco was always a shty company and bad management was always there.