r/OnePieceTC Oct 23 '19

MEGATHREAD [ENG][JPN] October 22, 2019 - October 29, 2019 Weekly Questions & Advice Megathread

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u/[deleted] Oct 25 '19


I think not 100% remember at law forest the celestial dragon stage has 99 turn barrier. And if you have 30 stamina to waste i think in the last stage of the beli cave spandam has 99 turn hit barrier something like that cause in my beginner days of this account i remember using v2 law 6+ and finishing it off.


u/Pyromann Tashigi is Life, Tashigi is Love Oct 25 '19

The thing is that, it needs to be one single enemie, because Kizaru can't aim shit and just shoots at random enemies (Just like everyone else) guess I'll wait for a Clash Doflamingo to test this, iirc after he revives he puts on a 99 hit barrier


u/[deleted] Oct 25 '19

In clash doffy i think it wouldn't work for 2 reasons.

1)When he revives all free spirit units get special binded for 99 turns

2)He doesn't allow healing so if you use kizaru..... your team will see how the other side looks like.

Not very sure where else can you find 99 hit barrier hmm...... but best of luck!


u/Pyromann Tashigi is Life, Tashigi is Love Oct 25 '19

I see, dangit will have to also wait until I see one, once I do, I will make sure to make a video for you all to see! Thanks for the help at finding the last piece of my puzzle!