r/OnePieceTC Apr 20 '18

JPN Discussion Most underrated units?

I feel like there are some characters in OPTC that get so overlooked nowadays because of new units like Luffy/Ace, Judge and Lucy. I thought of Legend Magellan who(like in the manga/anime)is just kinda overlooked despite how cool he is(imo). Same for characters like g-5 Tashigi and 20th anniversary Nami. So it made me think. Are there any characters that you think desperately need more attention even in todays standards?


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u/pitanger The hunt is over. Apr 21 '18

considering that we are talking about "underrated" units, bad is a synonym of overlooked in this case, because the amount of games the unit is used is directly influenced by the usefulness of the said unit.

Regarding Shira's rate of usage, still as often as before ? She's still the universal beneficial orb giver that can be used pretty much everywhere unless it breaks the team's requirement (Doffy V2, Lucy etc) Nothing has changed and Shira is still one of the best sub in the game.


u/Kami_Blake_Aur Apr 21 '18

There is quite the difference between overlooked, underrated, and bad at least the way I use them. I can’t speak for how others use the words. Overlooked refers to something or someone that just often isn’t considered. Its not necessarily bad or underrated as it just isn’t talked about much due to being overshadowed by someone or something else or possibly just not getting its name at there much. I’d definitely say Shirahoshi falls under this category. Since we’ve gotten new OP legends you hear less about her. Of course she’s still a great unit, you just don’t hear about her as much.

On the other hand underrated means what it says underrated. It refers to something that is good to those that know about it, but often can go under the radar. This is where we see the similarity to overlooked, but it seems to differ in that it doesn’t necessarily mean overshadowed (or less heard of), but also that something can be harshly or wrongly judged. This would be calling something much worse than it actually is.

On the other other hand bad is just in general bad. While the term cn be subjective with what’s “bad” changing from person to person, in this case it would refer to a unit that performs poorly or has little use.

Just my 2 cents. Following this and my personal view I’d say Shira could be identified as overlooked (what the OP asked for) simply because she isn’t mentioned as much and gets overshadowed by newer legends. She isn’t underrated because she always gets praise when mentioned nor is she bad because as you said she sees god level sub use on any team that can use her.


u/yorunomegami Apr 21 '18

Maybe it's just me but i use her all the time (poor Marco, because i haven't use him ~1 year now).


u/Kami_Blake_Aur Apr 21 '18

Same here. I’m not saying her usage has gone down, but the hype and mention of her in general due to newer legends overshadowing her and other old ones


u/yorunomegami Apr 21 '18 edited Apr 21 '18

She's a staple sub for harder content in many teams. Overall i think this sub prefers talking about captains and ignoring subs. Atm she almost always heals back to 100% (unless you run some hp based teams, like double 3d2y Usopp, that hardly see play nowadays) which only Marco can reliable do otherwise, but the main aspect which makes her unique is that she basically allows ignoring orbshuffle mechanics (e.g. like coli Raizo) and therefore trivialises a lot of content

Additionally to the difference between the amount of talking about subs and captains, most people prefer talking about completely overpowered captains and tend to ignore those that can clear content but not as fast as others. To pick coli Raizo again, i farmed him when he appeared for the first time with a double Shirahoshi team which was ofc slower than others but i was able to play brain afk (and clear it in ~8min iirc) instead of ~5min and being able to fail if i mess up my burst turn.

edit: In the end it's the same reason like the Franky posts in this thread, any captain that doesn't outdamage all other earlier released legends, ideally during burst turns and regular turns AND doesn't have an overpowered special isn't worth noticing. But ofc the same people complain about recent powercreep etc