r/OnePieceTC Apr 20 '18

JPN Discussion Most underrated units?

I feel like there are some characters in OPTC that get so overlooked nowadays because of new units like Luffy/Ace, Judge and Lucy. I thought of Legend Magellan who(like in the manga/anime)is just kinda overlooked despite how cool he is(imo). Same for characters like g-5 Tashigi and 20th anniversary Nami. So it made me think. Are there any characters that you think desperately need more attention even in todays standards?


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u/Sir-Battle-Tuna Promising Rookie Apr 20 '18

Enel is a bad legend imo. Needs a plus badly. Seems extremely fun tho


u/RoMarX . Apr 20 '18

He is not bad at all, i easily farmed Colo Raizo with double Enel, probably the hardest Colo on global for now, so it's safe to say he can clear pretty much every content that doesn't directly counter him (like Non-healing or inv-Cavendish)


u/Bendini Waifu in flair Apr 21 '18

which team did you use?


u/RoMarX . Apr 21 '18

Enel, Enel, Raid Aokiji, Shirahoshi, raid Sabo, Sandersonia. It's not fast but it's really safe.