r/OnePieceTC Apr 20 '18

JPN Discussion Most underrated units?

I feel like there are some characters in OPTC that get so overlooked nowadays because of new units like Luffy/Ace, Judge and Lucy. I thought of Legend Magellan who(like in the manga/anime)is just kinda overlooked despite how cool he is(imo). Same for characters like g-5 Tashigi and 20th anniversary Nami. So it made me think. Are there any characters that you think desperately need more attention even in todays standards?


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u/tacosconcarne Apr 21 '18

RR Bellamy removes 3 turns of Def Up and Threshold, yes Trebol does the same thing but better, but Bellamy was quite a common pull compared to him. He also ends on a 9 turn cd when maxed compared to Trebols 13 turns meaning he can combine with the other 10 or below cd characters for speed farming.