r/OnePieceTC Apr 20 '18

JPN Discussion Most underrated units?

I feel like there are some characters in OPTC that get so overlooked nowadays because of new units like Luffy/Ace, Judge and Lucy. I thought of Legend Magellan who(like in the manga/anime)is just kinda overlooked despite how cool he is(imo). Same for characters like g-5 Tashigi and 20th anniversary Nami. So it made me think. Are there any characters that you think desperately need more attention even in todays standards?


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u/halzgen Apr 21 '18

Underrated in terms of legends? Because I personally don't believe in underrated sub units. They have their own merits and used in specific content. In today's standards. There is no more such thing as one team beats all unlike before. So if it just legends, I would say magellan and lucci 6+ considering that he was forgotten because of qck lucci. Which IMO is a bad idea if you will be creating 2 legends that boost same type and same character but the newer one is better in every way. Lucci 6+ is still strong but if you have both lucci, there is no reason to use the old one except for contents that prevents you from using orb control which is so few.


u/yorunomegami Apr 21 '18

True. I had 6+ Lucci long time before i pulled Lucci. As the old 6 was mainly used as a sub i have a non bind/despair setup on him (he was mainly used as a Sakazuki and fighter sub ). Now with having pulled Lucci i'm glad i haven't changed old Lucci's sockets but i can hardly find a team Lucci will find usage besides the one you mentioned.


u/halzgen Apr 21 '18

Unlike wb, boa, sabo and ray. Those old legends were just reduced down to subs but still can be used quite often. They had the opportunity to improve his special in 6+ but all they did was increase the damage to 75x and rate of orbs. His special is basically "wait a turn to achieve effect" which is not safe in the current meta.


u/yorunomegami Apr 21 '18

Paired with WB+ you'll get the shuffle immediately, but it's definitely not that good. I think his 6+ was one of those that mainly focused on the CA (and they did that well but a captains half life period is way shorter than a sub one.

He'd be way better if Lucci wouldn't be a Lucci but an other powerhouse captain. Maybe he'll see some play once we'll get another PH captains. But if you own both Luccis using the str one is basically just because you want to or a potential orbshuffle (and you don't own Shirahoshi).