r/OnePieceTC Apr 20 '18

JPN Discussion Most underrated units?

I feel like there are some characters in OPTC that get so overlooked nowadays because of new units like Luffy/Ace, Judge and Lucy. I thought of Legend Magellan who(like in the manga/anime)is just kinda overlooked despite how cool he is(imo). Same for characters like g-5 Tashigi and 20th anniversary Nami. So it made me think. Are there any characters that you think desperately need more attention even in todays standards?


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u/Sir-Battle-Tuna Promising Rookie Apr 20 '18

Enel is a bad legend imo. Needs a plus badly. Seems extremely fun tho


u/Kami_Blake_Aur Apr 21 '18

He’s really not a bad legend at all tho and one of the more unique ones we’ve seen. He’s a max potential 3.25x boost and encourages healing. He’s only real issue is that he reduces health and his base boost could definitely be higher. His special also nukes for 2 million at max (4 million with double enel). This kills most bosses and gets rid of a significant amount of HP for the rest. You also have to keep in mind that he was designed to be a forest killer which he does perfectly. He’s a good legend all around. Sure he could be better and isn’t broken like the ones today.


u/Sir-Battle-Tuna Promising Rookie Apr 21 '18

He has more issues. He doesn't do well against enemy's with barriers unless you own v1 law, he isn't very f2p friendly, and he needs rcv orbs which is great but if someone shuffles them away then it can be an issue. Being a legend designed to be a forest killer doesn't help if teams are now beating forests with such ease. Just look at how corazon has turned out. I think enel deff needs some buffs to become good again. Oh he also is absolute garbage if orbs are sealed. Forgot to mention that.


u/Kami_Blake_Aur Apr 21 '18

None of what you mentioned is a problem that solely exists for legend enel and makes him “Garbage”. Any legend that relies on matching orbs or certain orbs for their max potential boost is greatly impeded by orb shuffling, preemptive changes, or orb sealing. V1 Akainu and Judge both only give a 2.25x boost (so .25x higher than Enel’s base boost which I already said could be higher) without str and matching orbs respectively (judge even has the effect of making it less likely to get matching orbs unless you have his family or someone has a crew skill to make psy count as matching). Hell Neko gives no boost without color orbs. As for barriers, yes his special doesn’t go through them making him worse against them. The same goes for literally any high damage dealing special or hp cut and the legends (other than BB) who are well known for them. V1 Fuji, WB, Mihawk, and even V2 Doffy live off of their hp cut/high damage specials, yet none of them can do squat against barriers without 6+ v1 law either. Also it doesn’t matter how easily new legends clear forests so long as enel performs his job adequately. Now is Enel the best legend? No. Could he use some buffs? Well sure, any legend could and I’d say enel wouldn’t suffer from a higher base boost, higher max boost, or whatever else. That said he certainly isn’t “Garbage” and isn’t in immediate need of a 6+ to be good like other legends


u/Sir-Battle-Tuna Promising Rookie Apr 21 '18

Well the other legends have something to fall back on if their damage dealing specials don't go through barriers. Enel does not. That's his entire gimmick. Deal with low health and needing food orbs to do at most 2 mill damage with a special (4 with double). He isn't the worst legend but he is deff a bad one. And btw I saw you got triggered but I said garbage when orbs are sealed, which he is, and not garbage in general, which I'll say now he kinda is but does have the fun aspect going for him. Now he is very fun and has a unique way to play the game but he has lots of issues that make him harder to play with compared to a lot legends and that's why he is bad. And wether other legends have issues too doesn't mean his are any less an issue. The problem with enel is they start to stack up and unlike most legends enel doesn't exactly get a lot of sub support. This makes team building with enel a pain. And if you don't have certain units that help with barriers, then he isn't worth running at all. Low health is great for healing but he can't really tank major hits. His multiplier being from 2x-3.25x based on how much you heal the previous turn can't be a pain to deal with. And there is other issues but it's getting late so I rather not ramble on. Enel is fun but is pretty bad too. Not bottom tier but deff not close to top tier.


u/Kami_Blake_Aur Apr 21 '18

“Btw I saw you got triggered”, no you didn’t. You saw I responded to someone who’s view I did not agree with. How in the world you saw I got “triggered” through emotionless words I will never understand. I love finding people on the reddit who seem to be able to transcend the limitations of an online conversation and sense emotion in every word. Its always nice to find someone with supernatural powers. Oh and I’ll tell you now I actually am triggered on this point. Simply because the amount of times you get called “triggered”, “angry”, of “salty” for disagreeing with someone is ridiculous.

Now back on the topic at hand, you seem to believe that the other legends mentioned have something amazing to fall back on when they don’t or at least nothing significantly better than Enel. Once again Neko gives no boost with sealed orbs or for that matter with any non color orbs. He’s easily considered on the top tier or better legends yet suffers greatly from an issue that you say makes. Neko’s special (which makes all color orbs count as beneficial and does 60x damage to one enemy) does nothing to solve the issue and for that matter nothing useful if orbs are sealed. Similarly Judge (definitely considered top tier) will only have a 2.25x boost without matching orbs and his special (orb change and 2x boost) does nothing if orbs are sealed. On the other hand enel will still have at least a 2x boost and if you’ve already done enough healing for his special, its still possible to deal heavy damage or kill a boss with it alone.

Likewise perhaps the most redeeming feature for Mihawk and the most broken for V2 Doffy is the high special damage they do which is great for revives and killing bosses. However, they can’t use their specials against barriers either without law and Doffy can’t even put law in his team with the driven only restriction. But of course they have high damage to make up for this with, not like Enel likewise has a nice boost of 3.25x he can fall back on. Not like that’s still quite high (though not broken) and enough to kill most bosses with the usual attack and orb boost or possible conditional boost and chain lock.

Team building can be a pain with Enel. As it can with any legend with a condition. BB and Judge are prime examples of this. At least with Enel you’re not restricted in who you bring and the only issue is choosing who’s most optimal for your team. This isn’t even an issue so much as team building in general.

You do realize barriers don’t exist in every possible content right? And if they do they normally exist on fodder stages (where on hope you don’t try and use enel’s special). Not running enel because there will be a barrier on fodded stage is ridiculous and even if its the boss stage you still have access to a 3.25x multiplier so long as you healed before hand which again should be enough for most bosses.

Yes Enel does have a gimmick that can be a pain and the reduced health can be a problem for tanking attacks. If you have trouble tanking heavy hits bring the coated sunny or another damage reducing, he’ll just heal what you did tank back. But again none of these are game breaking, certainly things that could be fixed in a 6+, but none of which makes him anywhere near garbage in general. You seem to believe that while he isn’t bottom teir he’s as close as possible to it, which isn’t the case. He could use improvements to better match the meta and current status of the game, but so could every legend released not recently relessed and even those recently released in maybe a year or so.


u/Sir-Battle-Tuna Promising Rookie Apr 21 '18

Yea so you can't hand pick issues from better legends as a comparison to make enel look better. Because it doesn't. Neko and doffy may have issues similar to enel but they are way better. Enel is a bad legend.


u/Kami_Blake_Aur Apr 21 '18

I’m not hand picking issues with Enel. I’m taking the issues you point out that make him a “bad legend” and showing that other legends have the same problem and Enel has more resistance to it than you claim. I use other legends with the same issue to show that they aren’t nearly as game breaking or legend status destroying as you seem to believe. The only issues limited to Enel only is his lower hp and healing gimmick. But if you’re just going to ignore everything I said with an “uh yeah, but Neko’s good because and Enel isn’t er duh”. Then this conversation is over