r/MawInstallation 12h ago

Why the hell did they use B1 Battle Droids in the Clones Wars if they were so ineffective


They were used through the entire clones wars and i could have sworn they haven't even killed any jedi

r/MawInstallation 8h ago

[CANON] If Skeleton Crew's unconfirmed 2nd season includes a 4 year time skip, how should the other "Mando-Verse" (pardon the controversial name) address it?


So Jon Watts did an interview earlier this month where he addressed the possibility of a 2nd season. He mentioned that they've considered it, and factored in the child actors' ages, coming to roughly a 3-4 year time jump.

From Mando season 1 all through season 3 and Ahsoka and apparently this season of Skeleton Crew, the shows have all been set in 9 ABY, or 5 years after RotJ, despite things like Nevarro hinting at a longer passage of time than a year.

One thing I'd like if the 2nd season is in 13 ABY, is a soft retcon of the prior series. "5 years post Return of the Jedi" is the official word, but you can round up/down to 5 from 4 to 6 years right? So it could span 8 ABY to 10 ABY, with Ahsoka being set even a little afterwards.

If not then I hope the Mandalorian & Grogu movie and Ahsoka season 2 progress it. To me, bridging the gap between RotJ and the TFA era is a good thing.

r/MawInstallation 6h ago

[ALLCONTINUITY] Was the Coruscant Guard Disliked by the Other Clones?


I was under the impression through multiple videos and some websites such as TV Tropes that the Coruscant Guard was disliked by the other clones throughout the Clone Wars for a multitude of reasons including that they were not on the front lines, they protected the elite, and were deployed against the discontent masses. However, I could not find a direct source for this claim. Now obviously due to the events of the show our main characters likely have mixed feelings about the guards, particularly Fox, but was there ever a general dislike of the guard amongst the greater clone forces? If the answer is yes, I would appreciate you linking the source.

r/MawInstallation 7h ago

[ALLCONTINUITY] What are your weird headcanons?


For example, I don’t know why I think this, but the Rebel extremist cell that abducted a young Face Loran has to be Saw Gerrera’s group, right?

Does anyone else have weird headcanons like this?

r/MawInstallation 12h ago

[ALLCONTINUITY] Why Do Hyperdrives to have to "Spool" ?


Playing Outlaws do they "Spool" to lock in Coordinates as well as charge also interesting used of "Spool" leaning into Star Wars Fantasy elements like a Spooling a carriage.

r/MawInstallation 16h ago

[ALLCONTINUITY] What would the Sith lords of old think of Kylo Ren?


If Kylo Ren were able to stand in the presence of the spirits of Sith Lords from the past, what would they think of him? What would ancient Sith Lords like Marka Ragnos, Malgus, and Ludo Kressh make of Kylo Ren?

Would they see potential in him, or would they view him as a boy failing to imitate something greater, taking turns mocking him similarly to what they did with Darth Krayt in Legends?

r/MawInstallation 21h ago

[LEGENDS] The Empire is defeated and you are the lawyer for an Imperial officer, what is your argument?


Would the New Republic accept a plea bargain in exchange for my client handing over information?

Edit: For more specific examples, one of the clients would be a mid-level colonel type involved in multiple galactic wars. Another example would be a general that directly served under Vader.

r/MawInstallation 16h ago

[LEGENDS] Could a Ysalamiri stop any Force User?


So as I understand, Ysalamiri use the Force to get rid of the Force, but how powerful is this ability? Would it work on being such as the Bedlam Spirits or the Mortis Gods. What if Jacen entered his Pure Oneness form?

Would Ysalamiri operate more like blanks from Warhammer where it only works to a degree and numbers help strengthen the field, or would it straight up deafen the Force to everyone?

r/MawInstallation 1d ago

[ALLCONTINUITY] Is it at all realistic that blasters don’t have recoil?


If plasma based weapons were a thing in real life, do you think they’d have no recoil?

I was watching an interview with Jude Law on Skeleton Crew and he talks about how he was told not to give the blasters a kick when he shot them.

r/MawInstallation 1d ago

[LEGENDS] Is it Possible that Mandalore the First and Mandalore the Conqueror are the Same Person?


Wookieepedia states that Mandalore the First found the planet of Mandalore and created the Mandalorian Crusaders. It also states that, although Mandalore the First founded the Mandalorian Crusaders, it was Mandalore the Conqueror that was their first leader. I feel as if the most logical remedy to this inconsistency is the idea that they are simply the same person. Is there any evidence that contridicts this claim?

r/MawInstallation 1d ago

[ALLCONTINUITY] A Desperate Plea for Help


Greetings exalted ones,
I write to you all as I am in shambles. After spending the last 7 hours and 17 minutes researching to no avail. I call on the community that spawned the idea for my book in the first place.

I am writing a Star Wars novel at the moment, and cannot for the life of me find a named place similar to that of Times Square in the Star Wars Universe. My instincts took me to the likes of Coruscant, Hosnian Prime and Chandrilla but to no avail.

Help me MawInstallation, you’re my only hope.

r/MawInstallation 1d ago

[META] Love this sub & happy holidays!


I know this post will probably get removed, but maybe due to the holidays, but I find myself being very thankful for this subreddit. I absolutely adore reading people's comments and thoroughly enjoy digging into the lore of the expanded Star Wars canon, whether it be legends or the current era.

Feel free to remove this post if you need two mods. But I just wanted to express my thankfulness and appreciation for this place.

r/MawInstallation 1d ago

Can a force ghost bond with a living being?


Basically, can a force ghost use the absolute Force Bond on a living being? It’s the ability to communicate with another Force sensitive through long distances, and can even transport materials across those distances. Thus the question, can a Force ghost do this?

r/MawInstallation 2d ago

[LEGENDS] How skilled of a commander was Tarkan in comparison to other Imperial Commanders including Thrawn and Vader?


Even among his peers, I would say A tier at the very least.

r/MawInstallation 2d ago

[ALLCONTINUITY] Was there a way to discover if someone was secretly ISB?


Just curious because the Age of the Rebellion, unlike its predecessor seemed to have a big angle on espionage and counter-espionage.

r/MawInstallation 2d ago

[ALLCONTINUITY] In defense of Hux's actions at the Battle of D'Qar Spoiler


At the Battle of D'Qar, the siege began when the First Order fleet caught the Resistance in the middle of their evacuation. Their arrival was heralded by three Resurgent-class Star Destroyers - Finalizer, Fellfire, and one other - and one Mandator IV-class Siege Dreadnought, the Fulminatrix. Before the battle began, this conversation plays out between General Hux and his adjutant, Captain Edrison Peavey:

Captain Peavey: We've caught them in the middle of their evacuation.

General Hux: I have my orders from Supreme Leader Snoke himself. This is where we snuff-out the resistance once and for all. Tell Captain Canady to prime his dreadnought. Incinerate their base, destroy their transports and obliterate their fleet.

The fact that Hux prefixed his orders by saying they came from Snoke makes it clear the order to destroy the Resistance base, their transports, and their fleet, in that order, came from Snoke himself. Not Hux. While the order to obliterate the Resistance in this order might seem odd, it actually fits with the fact Snoke is more of a politician who rules from the shadows instead of a frontline military leader like his apprentice Kylo Ren, who does most of Snoke's work for him like Vader did for Palpatine.

In the Canon novel, Lords of the Sith, Palpatine admits he is a political leader and not a military one. Since Snoke is a creation of Palpatine, it makes sense he would have inherited his creator's strengths and weaknesses. In Heir to the Empire, Thrawn theorized Palpatine was using Battle Meditation on the Imperial fleet at Endor because he wanted to control them personally as completely and constantly as possible. Timothy Zahn, the author of Heir, even notes it's consistent with Palpatine's pride since he must have used BM to claim Endor was his victory and ensure he could back it up.

As such, Snoke must have ordered Hux to "Incinerate their base, destroy their transports and obliterate their fleet" because this was their chance to wipe out the Resistance once and for all. Meaning Snoke, like Palpatine, wanted to take the credit for the final triumph over the Resistance as totally as possible. Especially since Snoke, while strong with the dark side, does not seem capable of Battle Meditation. Otherwise, the Resistance would have been destroyed for good.

However, I will concede that Hux could have launched fighters immediately after starting the battle, but he didn't because he emphasized spectacle over tactical sense in favor of annihilating the base and fleet from orbit with the dreadnought. Had he launched fighters, he could have incinerated Poe Dameron, destroyed the bomber fleet and saved the Fulminatrix from obliteration.

In short, the Battle of D'Qar went the way it did because Hux was following orders given to him by Snoke.

r/MawInstallation 3d ago

[ALLCONTINUITY] How exactly were TIE fighters recovered in hangar bays?


ISD hangar bays are generally one-way--there's a force field on only one side. TIE fighters are also generally depicted as hanging from ceiling racks and being boarded by pilots from overhead. That's a great way to scramble a whole wing of TIEs at once...but how do they return to the ship for re-arming, servicing, and redeployment?

On a ship with a hangar bay that has two entrances, like the Invisible Hand, this would be easy--just fly up from the other side and let the rack grab the fighter again. But the one-way hangar on the ISD seems to hamper it--a TIE pilot would have to fly up to the ship, turn around, and hover in place before either backing up or letting himself get tractored in, or else land under the rack and let his fighter get physically turned around before re-loading. I know the Empire treats TIEs as disposable at times, but it seems like a damaged fighter or wounded pilot might have to wait in line for a while in this case.

So is there something I'm missing here? Does the Empire have an efficient way to (literally) turn-around TIEs after a mission?

r/MawInstallation 2d ago

Good current Canon books not about the ST or Empire


Sorry if this isn't allowed. It's not a lore discussion but it is something I thought third sub could answer.

I feel like the best currently Canon books are about the Empire- Thrawn, Tarkin, etc. And I'm not really interested in the books about the ST. Are there any good recent books about the Rebellion or Clone Wars?

r/MawInstallation 1d ago

[ALLCONTINUITY] [HOT TAKE] It doesn't make sense for the Force to exist outside of the Main Galaxy


Whether it be in Legends or Cannon I never understood how things like the the Force and midichlorians somehow existed in other galaxies.

I guess my genuine confusion with the concept stems from the fact that it's never alluded to prior in any of the first six movies or subsequent TV shows and other content. Yet, it's the route they always go to whenever it comes down to Extra-galatic content.

When we first learn about the Force from Obi-Wan in ANH he states that the force

"Is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, it penatrates us, it binds the GALAXY together."

The addition of the Midichlorians further adds to this explanation, but even when Qui Gon talks about it, he states that it's present in all life in the Galaxy. Neither of them allude to the Force being a universal energy, which always led me to assume that the Force was a Galaxy centric thing. Of course it does make sense for Satellite/Dwarf galaxies that are extremely close to the main galaxy to be engulfed in the Force as well (The Rishi Maze and Firefist are a prime example), but True Galaxies that aren't constantly hovering around the Star Wars Galaxy shouldn't possess the Force in any way right?

I mean even ethereal beings like Bendu, The Mortis Gods, and the Wills never allude to the Force as something that exists across the Universe. I get George Lucas wanted everything to be connected to the Force, but realistically it's only natural that extra-galatic life wouldn't have any connection to the Force. Lucas never tries to make the Force seem more grander than it already is, so when Star Wars decides do extra-galatic content and Force just randomly exists in some other Galaxy it comes off weird. Especially when they don't even give an explanation for it like "OH, our knowledge of how grand the Force is was just limited." It's weird how characters just assume the Force is universal thing despite constantly referring to it as galaxy level phenomenon.

r/MawInstallation 3d ago

[CANON] Could the Rebel fleet over Scarif have actually done some damage to the ISD Devastator if half of the surviving fleet didn't nearly crash into it when it exited hyperspace?


I know that the Death Star was right there and that Tarkin would've probably sent several TIEs out to support Vader if he noticed him having some trouble with the Rebels, but I can't help but wonder, especially after seeing a what-if where the Rebels extracted two more victories from Scarif. Could they have feasibly destroyed the Devastator, or at least damaged it severely before retreating from Scarif? Or were beaten down enough from taking out the Star Destroyers and the shield gate's TIE fighters for it to not matter if they were caught unaware or not?

r/MawInstallation 3d ago

Can You Move Shields Between Ships in Star Wars?


In the out of print game, Star Wars Armada, there is a card called Projection Experts. The card allows you to move shields from one friendly ship to another.

Has this ever happened in Star Wars? (Comics, books, cartoons, etc)

r/MawInstallation 3d ago

[LEGENDS] I am one of Vader's underlings and I failed my mission, is there anyway I can avoid death by Force Choke?


Or should I run to the Outer Rim?

r/MawInstallation 4d ago

[ALLCONTINUITY] Do Stormtroopers have night vision?


I’d prefer answers from a variety of sources.

And do you think they should or shouldn’t have it?

r/MawInstallation 4d ago

[ALLCONTINUITY] Has there ever been a blaster with a lightsaber crystal in it?


I mean this as either a power source like the ammo for the blaster or the blaster uses as a primer weapon. (I’d assume option two would fire lightsaber shots?) this doesn’t not include combo sabers like Ezra’s stun blaster on his hilt, but a separate weapon from a lightsaber.

r/MawInstallation 4d ago

[META] Was it thematically intentional that the fall of the Jedi Order was caused by a Mandalorian?


Like was this the reason the Jedi-Mandalorian wars were made to be a thing in the lore, so that the Mandalorians could technically have their revenge in the form of Order 66 through the progeny of Jango Fett?