r/LGBTireland Nov 15 '24

Survey on LGBTQ+ life in Ireland

Hello! I'm an undergraduate student in Nebraska currently writing a research paper concerning LGBTQ+ life in Ireland and how cultural geography plays a role in this, especially in rural areas.

If you're interested, I wrote a post asking for interviewees, but for ease of analysis I figured a survey would suffice in combination with that method. The link is here (just a simple google form as I'm locked out of qualtrics): https://forms.gle/WqL4nhhozRL37cBR9

Thank you!


12 comments sorted by


u/ThumbsForToes Nov 15 '24

If you live in Ireland and are part of the LGBTQ+ community you are 'ineligible for this study..'


u/catsliketrees Nov 15 '24

Hey so instead of just saying you’ve done something wrong I’ll actually try explain. I’m not sure how it is at your uni but typically here when you’re sending out a survey you include the university’s name, your email, your supervisors name and email, and DEFINITELY DEFINITELY informed consent. the last bit is the only real issue tbh. as long as you’re following ethical guidelines from your school you’re fine. just people clearly like to give you shit unnecessarily here. happened to me when I shared a survey for a uni outside of Ireland. Good luck with it!!


u/Educational-Boss-356 Nov 16 '24

thank you thank you for your understanding & help! I appreciate it so much! There's no way to learn liike having helpful peers actually step in when the books I've been assigned were created when quantitative surveys were a thing only scientists could do


u/sendwater Nov 15 '24

This doesn't include the hallmarks of a university study survey. I won't list them because OP should know/ find out for themselves.

What's going on here OP?


u/Educational-Boss-356 Nov 15 '24

I'm not learning the "hallmarks of a university study survey" as a junior in college sadly. I'm not sure how else to prove I'm doing a research paper but what's going on is I'm a 20 year old desparately trying to reach a very hard to reach demographic from miles away and this is one of my only avenues to do so.


u/sendwater Nov 15 '24

This is definitely something you should find out and try again! Ask a tutor or look it up or something. Also the information you're looking for might already exist, maybe contact an Irish lgbt+ organisation and see if they have the stats you're looking for. Or just ask your questions directly on here maybe?


u/catsliketrees Nov 15 '24

They probably have to conduct independent research


u/Educational-Boss-356 Nov 15 '24

^This is true, this is independent research- since it's not technically done in conjunction with the university I can only say what class I'm doing this on behalf of. I've updated my survey either way to include more formalities but truly I'm just trying my best. I've combed every LGBTQ+ organization database and sadly there aren't many specifically rural studies on the LGBTQ+ in Ireland which is what I need data for.


u/catsliketrees Nov 15 '24

awk yeah I can imagine that’s really hard, I’m sorry people were a bit rude about it, that doesn’t represent the people here. I’ve a few rural friends who are lgbtq+, I’ll try send it on to them. I’d also look into Facebook groups, a lot of irish people still use Facebook and I think there’s lgbt groups there too


u/QBaseX Nov 15 '24

Yes I am living in Ireland, and yes I am LGBTQ+ (or, to be more specific, gay). So I hit Yes on both the initial questions, to be told that I was "ineligible for this study".


u/Educational-Boss-356 Nov 16 '24

I've fixed this! Apologies! Updated link: https://forms.gle/o1UsG1hRhoNTJZfh7
I'm not used to google forms!


u/AkkoKagari_1 Nov 16 '24

It's still broken