r/IsraelCrimes 1d ago

Fascism New plan for the Middle East?


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u/BORG_US_BORG 1d ago edited 4h ago

Who is this God person anyway?

Why did he create the Universe? It has generally been regarded as a bad idea all around..

Seriously though, people believing that some sky fairy is something more than an allegorical myth and has made such proclamation that a section of Earth belongs to one set of people (who often have no genetic commonality, nor indigenous to the land itself) are completely, dangerously deranged.


u/Aromatic-Double-1076 10h ago edited 10h ago

Who is this God person anyway?

Why did he create the Universe? It has generally been regarded as a bad idea all out.

Don't insult peoples religious beliefs like that... This is mostly about profit and power and racial supremacy for those on top who use religion as a tool and a justification for the evil things they do. Would you have the same attitude toward Muslims and Christians facing violence from Zionist extremists in Israel? However, I 100% agree with you that Zionists believing they are gods special people and can do no wrong is very dangerous. As a Christian, I believe all humans are gods special people, and no one group of people is more special than the other, as Christians say, we are all created equally.


u/BORG_US_BORG 4h ago

Can you show us on the map where the internet hurt you?

Is the internet in the same room with you right now?