Right because when russia leveled mariupol in 2022 to the ground that didnt count. Its bidens fault.
Assad in syria using chemical weapons against syrians is also bidens fault
Speaking on behalf of High Representative Izumi Nakamitsu, her deputy, Adedeji Ebo, said that “the absence of accountability” for the previous use of chemical weapons by combatants in Syria’s long-running civil war, “is a threat to international peace and security and a danger to us all”.
“It is, therefore, imperative to hold accountable all those who would dare to use chemical weapons”, he continued. “As we start the new year, I state my sincere hope that members of this Council will unite on this issue”.
This is a comment from UN official at the start of 2024, so when exactly was this disproven?
u/[deleted] May 13 '24
here comes the irrelevance of international order, welcome to the new normal, you can leave your thanks with Biden and Israel