A benevolent peace loving world where there is no conflict or violence doesn’t exist in the animal kingdom/nature/etc, so why would it exist in human society either?
Has there ever been a society or will there ever be one where spontaneous violence does not break out occasionally? Will there ever be a society where there isn’t someone out there that wants what you have and isn’t afraid to use force to get it?
Maybe there will be, but it won’t be a human society I know that much.
"Humans have a tendency towards violence, and some people will use force to take what they want even in a peaceful world, therefore we need to allow a class of person that has rights above those of a normal citizen whose only job is to brutalize people with very little oversight in the name of making life easier and more organized for white collar parasites"
Flawless, totally not sociopathic thread of logic there bud
There are plenty of examples of countries that don’t have effective law and order. Look at countries in Africa, Mexico, Latin/South America.
People have to resort to vigilante justice and public lynchings in order to get “justice”. They are also extremely violent places, with little to no consequences for violent, if anything they reward violence by being a survival of the fittest situation.
The countries that are the most peaceful have effective law and order where the government provides that mandate to protect citizens from banditry and violence, or at least provided consequences for it. Again it’s not hard to find examples of places that don’t have this and let me give you a hint, they aren’t nice places to live.
The UK has a policy of policing by public consent (Peelian principles based on an ethical police force) and the police are on the whole not militaristic nor thuggish. Of course you get those who are criminal (murderers, rapists, corrupt) and racial profiling still exists, but having moved to Germany from the UK, the difference came as a surprise. The UK has an independent police complaints commission to investigate police brutality and keep oversight, Germany does not. Amnesty has also reported on the erosion of civil liberties in the country.
u/ReplyStraight6408 Apr 12 '24
So basically they're still Nazis but they are targeting another group of semites.