r/GetMotivated 2d ago

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13 comments sorted by


u/zlatan77 2d ago

Binge watching tv a silent killer


u/PivotPathway 1d ago

Too much screen time can sneakily drain your energy and time.


u/steve_adr 2d ago

Hac in hora, sine mora, corde pulsum tangite;

So at this hour, without delay, pluck the vibrating strings;


u/mr-blister-fister 2d ago

Midnights reading dead wrestler Wikis 🤓


u/badmoviecritic 1d ago

Must be my habit of giving to the less fortunate. No more!


u/Geethebluesky 1d ago

The real issue is finding what to replace it with because what anyone else does may not work for you either.


u/HibachiMcGrady 2d ago

Ouuu shit enough internet for todayyt😂


u/deluchas15 2d ago

A lot of us have habits. And they are unable to break them. Do you know why they are unable to break them?


u/PivotPathway 1d ago

Habits are hard to break because they’re deeply wired into our brains through repetition. They provide comfort, save energy, and often operate unconsciously. Breaking them requires effort, awareness, and consistent replacement with new routines.


u/deluchas15 1d ago

Are you saying they would struggle to break the habits? They could try to give effort, try to have awareness, and consistently replace the habits with new routines. I just don't think they can. Nobody gave them support. Nobody showed them how to break them.


u/Geethebluesky 1d ago

They don't have something that seems equally worthwhile to replace the old habits with, that's the hardest part. Anything before finding that is just telling someone "hey, you have an issue to solve" and doesn't help anything.


u/AsteroidBelt9 21h ago

Every time you have an urge to do the old one, replace it with a new one. The new one should be positive, constructive and mainly bring you enjoyment. Otherwise, your motivation won't last long. For example, if you want to stop smoking, don't do 10 push-ups instead if you hate physical exercise. Do something you enjoy. Maybe smoking is not a good example because there's a difference between a habit and an addiction, but you get my point. And, of course, it takes time and effort
but it is possible. Check the book Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg.