r/GetMotivated 2d ago

IMAGE Fall in love with your life [image]

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u/pre-chrono 2d ago

Having 3 times the money I have right now would fix my problems literally permanently.


u/Nemo_0077 2d ago

How much do you have?


u/williego 2d ago

1/3rd of what he needs


u/alexcommon 1d ago

I spent too much time thinking this through...

If Money = Need / 3, then your problems equal the money needed divided by money you have. P = N / M

This opens up several philosophical possibilities... - As your money approaches zero, your problems become infinite. (M -> 0) - However, if you have no money, your problems are meaningless. - Not needing any money elimates your problems, regardless of how much money you actually have (N=0) - Negative money results in negative problems (you owe problems?) - If your problems are always three times your money, then making more money always triples the amount you money you need.

This is assuming the relationship is linear. If it's exponential or logarithmic, this opens up the concept of imaginary money (-M), which results in imaginary problems, and also possibly fractal problems (infinitely repeating problem / money patterns), but that math is a bit beyond me.



u/devdevgoat 1d ago

Negative problems:


u/Practical-Suit-6798 1d ago

Money comes and goes. When my mom died I inherited $100k. It was gone with in 4 years. But I have a tractor now, and tractors are awesome.


u/Fair-Butterscotch-25 2d ago

I do all of that, it doesn’t work


u/19_curiosity 2d ago

genuinely same


u/Myquil-Wylsun 2d ago

You might have issues deeper than this surface level shit


u/ptaah9 1d ago

The key is to be present and grateful in every moment. Our thoughts get in the way of this.


u/5thlvlshenanigans 1d ago

I have a hard time understanding this. Let's say I spend at least 12 hours a day on my smartphone, or playing video games that i don't even enjoy, mostly while lying in bed. Should I be present in my bed? I guess I could be grateful that I have a bed....


u/ptaah9 1d ago

Present with all of your 5 senses


u/BeingHuman30 2d ago

Then do the opposite ....


u/FingerTheCat 1d ago

My name is George. I'm unemployed, and I live with my parents


u/jellybeanjoy 1d ago

Bro, what’s this username? 😭


u/_CatLover_ 1d ago

Nothing wrong with it


u/TryAwkward7595 1d ago

It doesn’t work because we always try to ask the question did that make me happy ? The immediate answer may come as a no. But as you keep doing it the negative thoughts are less frequent. You feel positivity . But don’t try to find it. It may sound a bit cliche but give it a try. When you do these activities just do those activities and don’t think of other things


u/Capertie 1d ago

Yeah, but I would probably feel even worse if I didn't do those things so, eh, it's not bad advise but the pills from the psych are definitely more helpful.


u/Wyl_Younghusband 1d ago

Yep. I still feel dead inside.


u/19_curiosity 2d ago

I understand this post is meant for well-intentioned purposes and I appreciate it. If anyone does not want to be bummed out, do not read further.

With that being said, I cannot keep faking how much I like my life. I am grateful for the opportunities and people around me, trust me I am. However, I cannot feel any inspiration or motivation within me anymore, it sucks to keep feeling this way and then add on more guilt to it because there are people who have it worse.


u/Coraline1599 1d ago

You don’t have to be happy all the time.

It’s not normal to be happy all the time.

Society tries to tell you success is waking up happy, skipping through the day filled with happiness and going to bed happy. Anything less than that must be corrected. But it’s wrong.

You can’t feel full if you never feel hungry. You can’t feel warm if you have never felt cold. You are supposed to have daily/weekly ups and downs.

It’s ok to feel down sometimes. Ok to feel unhappy, unfulfilled, frustrated and lost.

I found that once I started letting myself feel my feelings and not judging myself for my feelings I felt lighter, better. The moods would ride in and out like the tide. When things were bad, I was calmer, able to be in the moment, to address it. And when things went well, my gratitude was genuine.

I am more content than I ever imagined , just taking things one day at a time, some days I have a lot of gratitude, some days not so much.

I got in touch with who I am and what is important to me, and I do my best to follow my values, but if I fall off for a day or a week or a month, it’s ok. When I am ready I get back up and go again.

I wish it had not taken 20 years to learn that the goal is not to be nonstop happy. It’s to be resilient and rolling with life.


u/Aemilia 2d ago

That sounds like depression, please don't ignore it as it will only get worse over time.

Source: Had depression for nearly 20 years, fortunately I'm cured now.


u/19_curiosity 2d ago

I think it is because I am back home for the holidays which is why I am feeling this way but I am doing my dues and currently undergoing counselling so let's see


u/ShinigamiXoY 1d ago

Then don't, its so draining to pretend. Maybe you'll find that when you stop you'll find something better. Inherent peace.


u/Smartnership 11 1d ago

I didn’t plan this advice, so grain of salt required.

I’ve heard it said “you’re the average of the 5 people you’re most often with”

But maybe it’s the average of the 5 activities / communities you spend the most time with.

And if so, the socials you consume, especially Reddit, can be a huge factor. Like it or not, a lot of Reddit is negative, doom-obsessed, nihilistic, and dark.

Maybe reflecting on the amount of time we spend in these communities is a worthwhile endeavor.

Nevertheless, I hope the best for you, and that you find your life more fulfilling in the upcoming year and years ahead.


u/WattzInYourWallet 2d ago edited 2d ago

Genuinely found this helpful. There was a point earlier this year where my cheating gf left me and I was feeling very depresso… but after a few months of therapy and just doing things for the sake of doing them even if I wasn’t into it helped a ton. Never felt so low in my life but on the up and up I’ve never felt like I’ve had so much direction. If you’re feeling bad about where you are in life or neglected by others I hope you can take solace in the fact that if you make yourself busy with things u know you would enjoy if you were in a better headspace then things will get better. Just my experience at least. Much love to all these motivation quote posts!

Edit: spelling, might still be wrong lol, merry Christmas all!


u/LadysaurousRex 1d ago

feeling very depresso…

this could be a song!


u/Savings-Run-3747 1d ago

Lost my spouse April 3rd, 2022. Almost 3 years ago. I believe in the thought however; each day does present some obstacles. Especially on the holidays. I miss her a lot. Was married almost 47 years. She was my first date and my first kiss.
Getting better, I sleep alone, wake up alone , eat alone . This year, I am allowed 1 hour to see my grandchild. Her mother and dad (my son) have other things that are more important.


u/Smartnership 11 1d ago

Sincere condolences for the loss of your wife.

Here’s hoping for a better relationship with your remaining family in the time left.


u/Inquisitor--Nox 2d ago

Take the small moments of happiness when you can. The world will take the rest.


u/Alt4041 2d ago

I genuinely tried when starting a new job in February but I work with a bunch of people who felt the need to harass me about "being comfortable" now i had to buy a bunch or sloppy looking crap that cost me way more than the "rich people clothes" i actually liked.


u/GaiusJocundus 2d ago

Cool! I am often quite hungry.


u/Denderian 1d ago

I agree with all these except the wake up early one personally, easier said than done for us night owls, otherwise this is a really beautiful message


u/sepulchralsam 2d ago

Don’t tell me what to do.


u/Butnazga 2d ago

I will :)


u/AciiiiiD 1d ago

Proudly brought to you by Starbucks (c)


u/dg02512021 21h ago

I tried waking up early but couldn't stick to it. Any suggestions?


u/Strict-Tomatillo-925 1d ago

Design your life


u/Transientmind 1d ago

Waking up early is generally a good way to hate my life. XD


u/Timely_Hedgehog 2d ago

Oh dear God I would hate that life. That's like the generic blonde trophy wife of lives. But I like the sentiment. Obviously fall in love with your type of life and do your type of things with it.


u/peach_xanax 1d ago

That's like the generic blonde trophy wife of lives.

because it mentioned coffee? I'm confused lol. I don't think it's a helpful sentiment at all, but I also don't understand how you got from "walks, good food, clothing you feel confident in, and music you enjoy" to "blonde trophy wife".


u/TryAwkward7595 1d ago

Agree, no matter what level of life you are, you should take care of yourself. Materialistic things can give you high but those are momentary. Things mentioned in this post will give you much relaxation and happiness


u/racingdann 1d ago

When going gets tough do things that make you happy and shift your mood. Gain momentum


u/datumerrata 1d ago

Basically, this Cat Stevens song: If you want to sing out


u/urihtae 1d ago

In the end, when you do a recap before dying, may it put a big smile on your face.


u/OkSilver75 1d ago

Tried this but it was a pretty toxic relationship


u/Dmau27 1d ago

Why didn't somebody say so. I've been doing it all wrong. I'd do this if I wasn't so poor I can't have 5 minutes without anxiety and my living situation is shit...


u/temptedbysweets 1d ago

I try waking up earlier than I need to but it doesn’t work out. 😂


u/Gonquin 23h ago

Eat cat food


u/ace_high 11h ago



u/ProfessorMorifarty 7h ago

I wake up in the rubble of my home, my children and wife are dead or missing. I pick through the rubble trying to figure out what happened. The soldiers are here. I raise my arms to show I'm not a threat, we don't speak the same language anymore, but it isn't enough. They fire on me presuming I'm a threat, but I can't figure out why. It doesn't matter. In the end I lie there bleeding out as soldiers shout commands I don't understand. It's all worth it though, because someone on the other side of the world woke up early, got their favorite coffee, went for a walk, ate something nice, wore nice clothes, and listened to their favorite album.


u/mrdanmarks 2h ago

Didn’t say anything about taking a shower


u/chillyhellion 1d ago

Were it so easy


u/unbound_scenario 2d ago

Hmmmm, seems a bit shallow. Plus, I’d rather make my coffee and wear what makes me feel comfortable.


u/johnhowardmp 2d ago

individualisim is probably the root cause of most people's unhappiness.


u/Fat_SpaceCow 2d ago

Me, me, me


u/FamousFangs 1d ago

Fuck all that


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u/gypsybullldog 2d ago

Maybe check out what sub you’re replying in before going nuts.


u/mrgeetar 2d ago

I did.