r/GetMotivated 5d ago

IMAGE [image] Do men think ?

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27 comments sorted by


u/MisterGreen7 5d ago

What does this have to do with motivation? This seems like the complete opposite


u/WoodpeckerIcy7538 1d ago

You beat me to it haha. I was so confused for a sec


u/Elijah_xoxo_ 5d ago

As a man, yes I do think. I think a lot. I overthink too, and that gets me pretty overwhelmed. Idk Though when I look at some other guys... I don't think they think.


u/MightBBlueovrU 5d ago

Who hurt you?


u/cyruz1323 5d ago


u/[deleted] 4d ago edited 4d ago



u/Bluuwolf 5d ago

Did you post this to the wrong sub? What is this even supposed to mean?


u/Hak333m 5d ago

What is even this question ? This is like "I'm 14 years old and I'm deep" kind of post. The medium you're using to communicate this idea to us can't be made by man who don't think...


u/Janzig 5d ago

You do understand that the quote is using ‘men’ as a generic term for ‘people’ and not referring to a specific gender, right?

But yes, it’s a thought-provoking quote.


u/Dry-Macaron-415 5d ago

Yes, and I don't think it's meant as an insult to the intelligence of the general population. Skinner studied reinforcement learning. A lot of people argue that computers can't think and gain consciousness because they are essentially just pre-programmed logic gates. I think Skinner wanted to say that the same can be said about humans. We're programmed by our environment.


u/doublecutter 5d ago

I think I’ll get a beer.


u/zefy_zef 5d ago

I... like never stop thinking


u/sla833 5d ago

Thinking machine propaganda.


u/Hellbound_Leviathan 5d ago

Nice quote but yeah this isn’t motivating anything


u/larfaltil 5d ago

People think they think, until you ask "why did you do that?" They generally have no idea why.


u/_Nanomachines-son_ 5d ago

In fact we do


u/HaruEden 5d ago

I think this quote resonates with the problem between AI and humanity today.

AI ability to think to execute a command is not the problem. But the men - humanity - who input the commands may be the problem.

AI needs no explicit pictures for entertainment, or even arts. Human do.

At least this is my take. This quote may ask us to think of better use for our tools and take accountability for our actions instead of blaming the tools.


u/less-right 3d ago

Feminist icon BF Skinner


u/Creative_Introvert_ 3d ago

Idiot. Here men doesn't just mean the men by gender but mankind as a whole. Hu"man", "man", wo"man" all have "man" in the term.


u/Aceygreat 5d ago

Nah. Thinking men are the exception


u/Healthy-Passage9321 5d ago

Do you think?


u/E_Mart 5d ago

Oh yeah? How did you come up with that?


u/Dmau27 5d ago

This is a swing and a miss.


u/peeniebaby 5d ago

What a brave question. I am now filled with motivation


u/swordfish_1969 5d ago

Most of them don’t. They just do what the instinct tells them to do.


u/Glum-Industry3907 5d ago

Not normally