I understand the concern for LM as a person, what he would feel like about the various types of support or attention he's been getting online, and also the factor of his privacy being violated after becoming a celebrity type of public figure overnight.
BUT, there's a lot to unpack:
- LM had all his social media set on public, he was very open to conversations with people online and shared his personal notes/links etc. so that's why people were able to get access to all of it. He worked in computer science and knows all about cybersecurity, risks, all of it. I truly don't think his privacy should be the main point of "concern" because i don't even think that's *his* or his lawyer's current main point of concern at all.
1.1. LM became a celebrity overnight with no previous warning, so I'm not holding his public social media activity against him or saying it's ok to get access to everything because he consented while he probably didn't know he was going to get as famous as he did so he couldn't prepare for it... However, I think it's worth noting when many of you are trying to imagine what *he* would feel like, that the way he moved online should be taken into consideration if you're going to speculate about his personal opinions on anything at all, so right now, on the topic of privacy and public existence/accessibility online.
1.2. LM became a celebrity overnight, it happened, and there's nothing we can do to take that status back. What we can do is try to frame him in a positive light, especially when it comes to discrediting or correcting the biased misinformed points of view of the media.
- I think the suggestion of censorship of certain fractions of the movement/fandom is unhelpful, reductive, and in most cases misogynistic. I mean the suppresion of media outlets such as tiktok edits being used to gather community around LM which get millions of views and likes and (through algorithm) brings millions of people to see related content, that's court related videos, people talking about the healthcare system, and more meaningful conversation. It's ONE part of a huge web that has LM's name attached to it, that's how the internet algorithms work.
2.1. I think it's ignorant to dismiss the impact this visibility has, especially furthering international conversation and gathering so many people around the case, getting so many eyes on the trial, and potentially putting pressure on the US authorities and system to be discussed WORLDWIDE.
All of this because of LM's celebrity status, and the surge of interest in him as a person and everything that involves or has his name attached to it. Unfortunately, a lot of people aren't keeping up with politics at all times, especially when they're on social media trying to get entertained after a long day of work/school. So for it to be a way to "lure in" a very wide audience that will thereafter discover a web of topics they otherwise wouldn't have discovered (because it wouldn't get as viral, or because it wouldn't seem as interesting/entertaining at first), is excellent. It is not a bad thing.
2.2. The media has been trying to make ANY and everything about LM seem negative, and you guys, LM "supporters" are falling for their tricks and pushing their narratives by claiming it's all about LM's looks to people when it's so evidently not the case at all. First of all, the edits and fanfics whatever is just a fraction of a very diverse movement with many types of conversations going on and relating to each other.
LM being an attractive, handsome, intelligent person fits the hero archetype tied to his (alleged) actions and it's the overall combination of all this factors that make people so attracted/attached to him. Everything only pushes the visibility of the case, and every single topic around it. At first, many people were pointing out how he is the ideal type to fulfill this role (doing what he allegedly did) while being white, male, conventionally attractive etc., precisely for these reasons I'm explaining.
2.3. The enthusiasm for the cause is a general one and I promise people who find him attractive can, and do, also focus on his humanness, his personality, his intelligence, and his wellbeing. As well as the values he (supposedly) embodies and the meaning/implications of his actions. Assuming that people (notably referred to as women or girls, "fangirls") can't be interested in a subject in more ways than one, or that sexual attraction/romantic feelings should be the opposite of intellectual interests and moral values is a misogynistic, archaic narrative. (The one the media is pushing).
2.4. Obviously, it's not only women and girls feeling attraction towards LM. *** So of course the motivation behind this assignment of female gender to every LM fraction of the movement being "obsessed" "cringe" and "childish" as opposed to a "neutral" "cerebral" and "mature" interest in the case is a deeply misogynistic one. Second, there's lots of women and men and other identities feeling supportive of LM without romantic types of attraction. And lastly, to criminalize and try to purify discourse around a heroic type of public figure is profoundly dishonest, and contrary to human nature and how things really work out in the real world. (I'm pretty confident to say LM would 100% understand this too given what he used to talk about online.)
2.5. Attraction and interest in him as a person and the display of all the information about his personality is what got the public humanizing him and interested in his wellbeing in the first place. Everyone is being dishonest about this situation, falling for media propaganda and probably unaware of how they got here in the first place. The only reason so many people are feeling empathetic to LM and interested in him as a person is because of what you guys are now critiquing, which is his face and thoughts being plastered on every social media for millions to see.
We got a glimpse of his whole life, childhood, adolescence, friends, family and so on, and that is what helped solidify him as a complex sort of character beyond a cold blooded m*rder suspect that would otherwise be the only tale told by legacy media. (I invite you to draw some parallels to the victim, BT, of whom we only saw that one LinkedIn picture.)
"CNN legal commentator EH says there is a high chance LM is found not guilty due to jury nullification:
“This is the highest chance of nullification that I have seen in a long time, given the fame and fandom that this guy has somehow gained over social media.”