r/F1Technical Nov 23 '24

Safety Long term effects of massive crashes

Usually we hear of injuries and deaths as a direct impact of big crashes. Will there be long term effects on the body from sustaining to many Gs, for those who got off "without a scratch"?


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u/jim2527 Nov 23 '24

A lot of retired old timer NASCAR drivers are ‘punch drunk’. Those guys can’t put together a 2 word sentence.


u/zxrax Nov 23 '24

nascar used leaded fuel until 2007 -- are there drivers who weren't around back then with the same issues you speak of? inhaling vaporized lead for hours a week, years on end has to be absolutely atrocious for you, surely worse than some concussions. I saw some study that schools within a certain radius of nascar tracks saw statistically significant increases in academic achievement after the switch to unleaded fuel, and that's from being there once a year!