r/ErgoMechKeyboards 1d ago

[photo] Corne 5 col build

Latest build - decided to go even smaller from a lily58. It's pretty hard to comprehend how tiny a 5 column corne is until you have one in your hand. My girlfriend says the colors look like saved by the bell 😂

Kit from typeractive - magenta case/cyan display covers Ambient nocturnal switches DDC keycaps / MBK violet convex 1.5u thumbs

I have a cirque track pad on the way that I'm going to try to integrate to the right side as a future project.


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u/Laucien 1d ago

How was the build process? I've been looking at one of those from the same site for a while but my soldering skills aren't that great.


u/pd1zzle 1d ago

I wouldn't say mine are amazing. I bought a little practice board sort of thing on Amazon then went right to soldering my last board. I did pretty well with that practice.

This board I actually decided to try out their "no solder" headers just because I thought I might want to put something else in the nice view socket someday. The MCU seems to hold pretty solid with them but I would say the nice view attachment is so so. It's passable.. but I'd be concerned about throwing it in a backpack or something.

this was the practice board I bought:


mainly just because it had a ton of passthrough soldering for all those LEDs and was kinda tight together.


u/Laucien 22h ago

Nice thanks!. And the no solder stuff, do they fit all right with the view add on and the cover? I think I read one comment that they were slightly too tall but seemed odd IMHO.

Anyway, thanks!.


u/pd1zzle 20h ago

I think the MCU is a little too tall for the view to fit over, yeah. the view seems to be the only janky part in my experience. it fits but like kind of sits at an angle. and seems to kinda pop off every now and then. Can't say if it would work with no solder on the MCU and normal headers on the view.

the springs pins for the view do seem to basically hit the cover also. Overall not impressed with them for the nice view but I was planning for them to be temporary anyhow.


u/Laucien 19h ago

Nice thanks. Then it seems the "cleanest" option is just to not fuck up the soldering xD.

Do you get regular headers as well when you order the no solder ones or should I get those separately?.


u/pd1zzle 19h ago

You would probably want to order the EZ solder headers if you wanted a backup. Alternatively, you can choose the EZ solder in the builder and then choose individually the spring headers from the catalog. I believe the nice view comes with sockets our of the bag but you could always contact them to confirm. I wasn't sure so I did EZ solder via the builder then selected the spring ones as add on from the catalog.

The nice nano comes with some sort of header in the bag with it, but it's not socketed - I'm not sure what the style of header would be called tbh. I don't think it's what you'd actually want to use for this purpose.

I do think just doing the soldering is probably the best option. I didn't find it too challenging but it is something you definitely want to take your time with and follow their videos. And make sure you have a good iron and solder (at the very least of the right gage).