r/DoesAnybodyElse 1d ago

DAE pee in the shower?

I’m talking no pushing. Just relaxing your muscles and let gravity do the rest!!! Amazing!!!


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u/Global-Dress7260 1d ago

It’s incredibly disrespectful to do in a shared space. Be unhygienic all you want when it doesn’t affect others.


u/al_capone420 1d ago

You think bathrooms don’t have germs all over them? You think humans didn’t evolve over time constantly around the waste of each other being exposed in small amounts? You don’t live in a sterile bubble. Pissing in the shower which then runs right down the drain leaving behind absolutely nothing has no effect on your life or anyone else’s. Having to pee after being showered with warm running water is a natural urge and sending it down the shower drain is very normal.

Again, such a weird thing to get so hung up on to the point that you would refuse to live with someone over it. I promise every shower you have ever used has been peed in.


u/Global-Dress7260 1d ago

This level of laziness and disrespect to the people you live with is beyond my comprehension.

I also don’t understand this insistence all you shower pissers have that everyone also does it.


u/al_capone420 1d ago

How is it disrespectful when it literally doesn’t affect anyone? Please break it down for me. Urine is not feces. It’s not full of dangerous bacteria and it’s a liquid so it goes right down the drain.

You have this weird “ick” about it that is so blown out of proportion.