r/DecidingToBeBetter 1d ago

Discussion The mental health promise you won't compromise on next year

What is the one mental health promise you're making to yourself for the next year: non-negotiable, no exceptions? Mine is to truly listen, giving people the space and respect they deserve. I know I’ve struggled with being a good listener, and it’s something I need to change. If I want to be heard, I must learn to hear first. What’s yours?


23 comments sorted by


u/Western-Signature504 1d ago

Boundaries. Enforcing them and protecting my energy.


u/Altruistic-Sorbet968 14h ago

My mantra is going to be 'protecting my peace'. Unfortunately had my sister disrespect my boundaries again this holiday so not sure what I will do about that.


u/KtheQuantumVoyager 1d ago

Never ever ever ever ever go against your intuitions. They are there for a reason. Follow them religiously.


u/Abides1948 1d ago

Unless your intuitions are to stab people. Then maybe don't


u/Darth-Skvader 17h ago

Is that intuition or an intrusive thought?


u/hoperaines 23h ago

Don’t do nice things for people who don’t respect me. Focus on my mental health. Don’t be a people pleaser.


u/zacwilli12 1d ago

In March I'll be an official gym rat for a year. Seeing myself develop muscle where I've only ever been soft and thin, has done tremendous work for my self esteem and confidence I can get results when I put in consistent hard work.

So, the game plan this year is maintenance of health and education.


u/Celestevega69 13h ago

Good luck!! I wanna make that mine too. I’m in and out of the gym and always gaining and losing weight, I just wanna be completely consistent but I need to be more organized when I go. Like I can’t figure out how to split my workouts then when I get to the gym I’m just doing random shit


u/darkfairywaffles98 1d ago

Mine is to ask myself how I feel first, before considering other people’s opinions and demands. I can’t pour into other people’s cups if I’m empty.


u/shansanrio 18h ago

Never entering a situationship again . I was vulnerable coming out of an abusive relationship


u/Celestevega69 13h ago

I’m officially 13 months situationship free! I don’t deal with a lot of things I used to deal with before. I keep my boundaries & quit people pleasing. I really think about the “situation” & think, is this person someone who really cares about me? Do they SHOW that? No? Then I gotta go lol. I’ve been so much happier since then & respect myself enough not to deal with breadcrumbs!


u/Domino3Dgg 1d ago

I went this path few years ago. Found out people are shit and don’t care. Found out its no bi-directional, meaning, if you listen they will (not) too. You cannot expect that.

The good think is that i can listen to people if i want to.

The bad thing is i got deppresion now, taking AD’s.


u/LilJourney 20h ago

Put myself in "time out" when tired.

Respectfully ask for a break in the conversation/debate/argument until I've had the rest I require.

Proper sleep is going to be non-negotiable because every interpersonal problem / stress I've had this year I've traced back to trying to deal with people while being sleep-deprived/exceedingly tired. Not good for me. Not good for them.


u/shortstack3000 20h ago

Cutting down significantly if not quitting drinking alcohol.


u/Somedaybarber 15h ago

I’m 73 days alcohol free and feeling my best in years. Do it!


u/m0veaway 12h ago


u/Key_Leadership7100 6h ago

Not drinking and being a nicer person


u/Fit_Peanut3241 20h ago



u/Oakenborn 16h ago

Integrating my tyrant archetype, with the intention of consciously observing his valuable contributions to my life without possessing me.

u/Mort332e 1h ago

Looking at these comments, i am surprised how many people are making similar mental health promises to themselves as me.

Almost as if there is this uniform energy passing through the entire world and we are all resonating with eachothers frequencies.

I dunno though, just a thought.