r/CozyPlaces Nov 07 '24

DINING AREA Trying to find peace today


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u/1plus1dog Nov 07 '24

Your photos are stunning and define cozy for me. I wish I were there. I wish you peace in your heart, mind and soul. I do know what and how you’re feeling because I too, am. It’s nearly 24 hours after, and I can’t feel anything as much as I feel that makes sense to me.


I definitely feel grief as I’m grieving what’s happened here again. I can’t understand how. Or why, or what’s worse, what’s to come that will divide us more

Thank you for sharing the most lovely cozy space you have with us. It’s like welcoming arms, after the first very dark day.

The division of the people in our United States has suffered another huge blow, and I worry we’ll never recover from it, not with so much hate that can be felt all around me.