r/BoomersBeingFools 2h ago

Here's the casual story of me buying a 5 year old Corvette when I was 19. But remember, kids these days are afraid of hard work.

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Boomers casually reminding us of how much easier they had it.

r/BoomersBeingFools 3h ago

Why do boomers like Elon?


Elon annoys everyone yet the boomers like him and call him "The smartest man." Again not all boomers, just some I've seen on the news

r/BoomersBeingFools 3h ago

When boomers make commercials


r/BoomersBeingFools 3h ago

Make them confront what they've voted for in a depressing way


Got Boomers in your life who spend time in your home? Start watching genocide documentaries. Watch them about the Holocaust and Rwanda and Palestine. And for fun, throw in videos about the Japanese camps we had, and make comments about how you wouldn't have thought a SCOTUS would be ok with Trump putting people he hates in camps except you know about them declaring the camps Constitutional. Casually comment how strange it is so many Holocaust survivors' descendants are committing genocide in Palestine.

I don't mean literally watching together btw - just have them on in the background. Or whateve. Just have them on. Make them uncomfortable.

r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

Boomer MIL thinking Canada is miserable so they come here for healthcare.


Short snippet before boomer logic. Mother in law thinks Canadians are miserable. My wife brought this up then got pissed when I educated her parent.

r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

Visiting my folks for Christmas... Can't even grab a damn coffee mug without being reminded


The book was a gift my mom got, she was very excited about it...next morning I go for a coffee and...yup...I couldn't find the "my pillow" they usually have in their living room which would have really rounded out the post but oh well. My parents are actually very respectful of our differences and never actively throw it in my face but, don't have to look too hard for a reminder 🤷🏻‍♂️

r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

Quiche with rice?


How come my baby boomer mother makes quiche with rice in it? I’ve never seen this in any restaurant or cafe. Is it a boomer thing?! Always takes me by surprise

r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

What's wrong with decorating a freaking cookie?


I (F27) and my SIL (F28) decided that we wanted to decorate sugar cookies and figured it would be a great family activity for the 8 of us visiting for Christmas. We baked cookies and got everything ready for decorating. I come from a family of introverts who aren't super creative or social so I knew it mjght be a stretch but since SIL has never had the chance to do cookie decorating at christmas before and I thought it could be a good sit down activity for everyone to chat, I decided to teach her how to bake the cookies and off we went.

When everything was finally ready to decorate I called over my parents and one brother since the other went shopping quickly. My mom (F64) initially said no thanks. But after pleading with her to join she finally agreed.

My dad (M69) however, would not stop watching his blaringly loud TV and scrolling FOX news on his phone. I sat on the couch next to him and said with my big puppydog eyes "it would make me really happy if you turned off the TV and joined us." I wasnt sure if he even heard me because he hardly moved at me talking to him. So I repeated "please turn off the TV and help us decorate the cookies." And he looked up and said no. My husband (M27) passing by while following our toddler said "good fathers would join in on a family activity." To which my dad finally turned off the TV and walked over to the table to join everyone but said, "I don't want to decorate." He sat down and like the child he is, folded his arms and laid down his head in protest of the activity.

After I decorated a cookie I put my mom voice on and said "if you decoate at least 1 cookie, you can go back to watching TV." I knew he was just going to sit there acting childish until everyone else had finished the cookies. He said, "No. I am not going to decorate a cookie. If I'm being such a bad boy, I'll go to my room." To which I responded, "No, you'll just have to sit there all night." As time went on and I traded places with my husband on following the toddler, I repeated the same offer a time or two to my dad with similar back and forths even after my other 2 siblings joined. My dad eventually dissapeared without saying goodnight once the cookies were done.

I still can't fathom why he wouldn't want to even put forth minimal effort to decorate even one single cookie. I would have even accepted the most minimal effort of putting a single dot of frosting on a cookie.

r/BoomersBeingFools 4h ago

Boomer aunt just parrots


I'm very lucky, all my boomers (mom, dad, aunts & uncles, all 70+) are free of the fox news brainrot.

However, I've got my aunt & dad in town, and my aunt is about to send me to the psych ward thinking I hear voices. She just repeats whatever is being said. Example:

Me: hey dad check out this movie it's really good

Aunt: this movie is really good

Dad: ah yes this actor was great in that other movie

Aunt: he was great in the other movie

Me: really? I didn't like that one as much

Aunt: that one wasn't as good.

She just does that, constantly, nonstop, the whole day. It's fairly harmless, but oh my go is it annoying lol

r/BoomersBeingFools 5h ago

Orthodox Indian Grandparents, and the issues that come with it- PART 1


Let's get a few things straight first- I'm 16F and an Indian, and I'm a closeted Bi- maybe Pan, but I don't really know. This is also a bit of a vent, but it fits the subreddit and is still a set bunch of 'Boomers being Fools' story- so I decided to keep it here. And I should probably keep this in parts, so that it doesn't get too long.

My grandparents (paternal side , have 4 matters where they're orthodox opinions- the matters of Jobs/Career choosing, being Feminine, Mental Illnesses and Marriage- all of which, might be a bit more of an issue than I had assumed it was before.
Don't get me wrong- I love my grandparents, and they're good people too- it's just that they're too overbearing, and are still a bit stuck in the older times.

My first issue- Jobs. I've always had a passion for the natural world and life when I was younger, so when I was young, I heavily aspired to be a veterinarian, or in some field where I dealt with Biology, organs and the natural world. Being a veterinarian- vet for short, was a childhood dream of mine. But both of my grandmothers- maternal and paternal were against it, saying "I'd have to work in dingy, dark farms", or "Are you sure you wanna take that field?", discouraging my dream early on around the age of six to seven, even if that sector of veterinary practice was not where I wanted to go..

It got so bad, that my paternal grandmother somehow talked me into trying to take up UPSC and become an IAS officer. And for some statistics- about 1.3 Million students write that exam yearly, and out of that- only 180 people get selected. Competition is high, stress is higher- and while it would be a pride to serve my nation, I wasn't even remotely interested.
When I declared I wanted to enter the science field, I had to say "I plan on writing the NEET exam", which is the "National Eligibility cum Entrance Test" to enter colleges of Medicine- every old person (+60) who I meet just says- "Oh, so you wanna be a doctor?" And assumptions can't be helped- but it's just bad when my grandparents either ask "Planning on doing UPSC exams?", or "What field in Medicine? Surgery, Radiology, Neurology, Cardiology," and so on.

Why the hell are they this narrow-minded? I get it, they're old as hell- they're from a time in India where there was only 2 career options- Engineer, Doctor and CA (Charter Accountant) depending on the exam you write, but goddamn- why are they this damn narrow minded?


Second issue- being Feminine. Personally, I enjoy loose shirts and jeans more than skirts, frocks, lehengas (traditional south-Indian clothing) and so on. Not that they aren't pretty- in fact, quite the opposite.. I feel like a fucking princess in Indian traditional clothing. If you ever wanna feel like a princess, try out a fancy lehenga or saree and watch as you glimmer. A girl in a beautiful, vibrant dress dazzled in gold from head to toe just sounds like a golden dream.
It's just that- some pieces are so fucking uncomfortable. If there's improper embroidery of stones, mirrors or beads at the sleeves or the blouse, you'll feel it rubbing against your skin when you're wearing it for the first few hours. If there's an uncomfortable mesh for the 'skirt' part of it beneath, it literally itches against the legs. And if the mesh used, or the material of the dress was uncomfortable- I'm literally getting goosebumps thinking about it, and my whole body just shivered.

When I was young, I complained alot about these traits- and my mother listened to them, luckily. She'd ask me to wear it a bit longer for the sake of appearance and as a reward, she'd cook my favorite food, or take me out for a walk- things that I liked.
So despite a very, very bad distaste for uncomfortable Indian clothing, I learnt to bear with it for the sake of looks and my mom. And if I ever came across a traditional dress that looked amazing and also felt as comfortable as sleeping on a cloud- I was booked and would always ask to wear it.

Only issue is- my grandparents had a knack for getting me too many girly, expensive things.. And, if you're an Indian- you'd know never to wear the same dress to another event, cause people will recognize it and call you out on it- which might be just toxic or rude, but is frequent in society.
Issue stems when my grandparents buy you dress after dress worth $100 which are uncomfortable, too flashy for your tastes- and it's a dress you're gonna wear only once, cause if you wear it again- everyone's gonna know you're repeating a dress and is gonna call you out on it. I literally have like- 25 skirts in my wardrobe, and 15 pieces of traditional clothing, that are hella flashy, hella expensive and that I don't even use, and I don't even like. What am I supposed to do with it?? Either stop buying me dresses at all, try to buy something that's comfortable or one that I'd at least like- or reduce your spending on clothes that will be used only once.
And whenever I dress a bit more like a guy- with jeans, shirts, t-shirts- there will be a question raised almost every month - "Why don't you wear those frocks and dress like a girl?"
Yeah, thanks for ruining dresses for me, grandma.

r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

This guy thinks he's the main Villain


r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

Celebrate Christmas how you want... BUT NOT LIKE THAT!


My dad (the Boomer) told us girls (three daughters) that when you start your own families, there will be none of this coming to their house on Christmas Eve/Day because dragging children all over to please your parents is ridiculous. We will pick a day in early January to celebrate as a family. Make your own tradition for your immediate family. Ok cool.

How it actually plays out...

Baby Sister (golden child, but self aware. Birthed the first grand child and favorite grand daughter) , husband, 2 girls under 7- invites the parents to her house Christmas Eve and Day. They always accept. Stays home. This year invited her best friend and kids for Christmas dinner as her husband is currently deployed. Dad has issue with that. But is smart enough NOT to say anything to sister and husband.

Me (the eldest. The one who was raised by his devil first wife and spent her entire childhood being driven 2 hours away to the other parents house on Christmas morning) who is not married. No children (after witnessing the favorite grand child puke all over me once, dad no longer asks me when I'm having a baby). I have a standing invite at baby sister's house from her and her husband. I enjoy it.

And then there's the middle child. The scapegoat. She is married to a man with a very large extended family. They have 2 kids under 6. She loves the chaos of going to a big annual Christmas Eve party with the husband's extended family. Opening present at home. And then going to her husband's parents that afternoon. It works for them currently. Could that change as the years go on? Absolutely. But watching my dad get bent out of shape EVERY YEAR that SHE LEAVES THE HOUSE ON CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS DAY makes me laugh.

r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

Why can’t boomers use trash bags?


I live in a neighborhood where all my neighbors are boomers. I’m literally the only person under 60. For some reason, the boomers don’t use trash bags. So, every time there’s a storm, their trash bins fall over and all their trash blows down the street and all over my yard (not to mention the yards of their fellow boomers). They NEVER come over to clean their mess up; they expect everyone else to clean it up for them. This problem could be solved if they just used trash bags, but they prefer to throw trash loose in the bin. I’m so sick of this.

r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

Boomer Grandpa thinks every other country is a communist hellscape


As seems to be pretty common in a lot of the posts on this sub, my boomer Grandpa is a hardcore Trump supporter who pretty much believes anything that right-wing media says. He's the type that now is claiming that Canada should be part of the US because Trump said that one time. We're from the US, however, I've spent a good amount of time in both Canada and the UK because I used to live near the border with Canada and I went to grad school in England.

Since I spent a whole year straight in the UK and also have a bunch of friends who live there and elsewhere in Europe/worldwide, I talk about it quite a bit. However, every time I bring up the UK or any other country, my Grandpa always has some sort of insert about a reason why the UK (or literally any other country) is communist and a terrible place to live.

I'm pretty sure he himself has only ever been outside of the US two times: one time to Canada for some sort of short trip and another time to Mexico for his job a long time ago. The Mexico trip is the one that seems to influence his view of the rest of the world the most, but he went in like the 70s or 80s and refuses to believe that Mexico has changed at all and assumes every other country is exactly like Mexico.

I remember when I was going to the UK he seemingly couldn't grasp the fact that the British pound is worth more than the US dollar and they effectively never have reached parity. He kept trying to tell me to wait to exchange money seemingly thinking the dollar was gonna somehow magically overtake the pound even though that has literally never happened in recent history.

It's so annoying because I literally have seen life in other countries, the positives and negatives, and it's so frustrating to have to interact with someone who is just so goddamn stubborn and has such a dumbass view of the world outside the US. Plus he just throws the word "communist" around as an insult without ever even backing it up. It seems like in his view anywhere with any sort of socialized anything = communist hellhole.

r/BoomersBeingFools 6h ago

I wonder why?


r/BoomersBeingFools 7h ago

What the hell, old man?!


r/BoomersBeingFools 8h ago

They even make the dispensary a nightmare.


I’ve been going to the same dispensary by my work for a few years now. As of recently, there seems to be a massive influx of boomers descending upon what was once a peaceful haven from my chaotic day. Standing in the way of display cases, doorways, etc holding conversations completely oblivious to others, getting up to the counter and not having the slightest idea what they’re looking for causing the line to build up, asking painfully obvious questions repeatedly, etc. I don’t really have a point here, just ranting about the fact that these folks can even turn a place as chill as a dispensary into a frustrating hellscape if given the opportunity.

r/BoomersBeingFools 8h ago

Lesbians wear waistcoats


My 13 year old daughter had the smartest outfit for Christmas day, she wore a white shirt, black waistcoat & black chino trousers, apparently she chose it to look like one of her favorite anime characters but honestly she's happy expressing her style, then I'm happy. Her grandfather took one look, announced he 'didn't think she was one of those' and stormed off into another room, after a bit of pressing it became clear he meant lesbian, I was just about to go off on him about even is she was then what would it matter, when daughter pipes up with really? The only thing I thought would make me look like a lesbian is if I had another woman's boobs in my hands & a smile on my face. This totally short circuited the old dickhead, didn't hear more than half a dozen words in the couple of hours we had to stay & pretend to like that side of the family. I'm sure a sermon is coming my way but God I love that kid so much

r/BoomersBeingFools 8h ago

Got into it with a boomer lady at the grocery store today


Waiting in line for self check out, got a text so I pulled my phone out to read it. During the 5 seconds it took the boomer lady behind me decided it was fine to go around me and go to the open check out a guy walked away from 5 seconds before. I wish I could say I acted like the calm adult I am. I didn’t. The one next to her opened up, I went to check out and told her: “You are a see you next Tuesday. This is the problem with your generation. You expect everyone to cater to you” Insert shocked pikachu face she was called out “I’m telling my husband how rude you are!” “I’ll kick his old ass, and you’ll still be a see you next Tuesday” Boomers are a plight on this planet

r/BoomersBeingFools 9h ago

Old man knocks a random kid out in a store


r/BoomersBeingFools 9h ago

I'm leaving. I need medical attention.


So you may already know about my favorite restaurant's ongoing battle with boomers. Today we witnessed an event ourselves.

We haven't been in for a week or two, but we dropped by for dinner. It was early so it wasn't busy.

We were waiting to order, when the hostess seated a guy, probably in his 70s, with a long white ponytail and a leather jacket. He got his menu. In the meantime, we had ordered our meals.

A couple of minutes later, he calls across the restaurant for the server. She comes over, and this happens:

B(oomer): I want this.

S(erver): The Vegetable Supreme?

B: Yes. But I don't want the baby corn. Or the water chestnuts. I don't want the black mushrooms. I want the white mushrooms.

S: White mushrooms?

B: Sometimes the mushrooms are white, and sometimes they're black. I don't want the black ones. Just the white ones.

S: Okay, the mushrooms we use are all the same kind, except the colors can vary.

B: I understand that. Just make sure there are no black ones. Okay. Now, do I get a discount because I'm not having the baby corn or water chestnuts? I think I should pay less since there's less food.

S: I'll have to ask.

B: Good. Also, I want the brown sauce instead of the white sauce. I don't like your white sauce here.

S: We can do that.

She heads off to put the order in.

Fifteen minutes later, his food was served. Twenty minutes later, he's calling out for the server. She comes over. He's upset. Apparently, he loaded his dish with soy sauce.

"I can't eat this!" he yelps. "Your soy sauce has a lot of salt! I can't have sodium! All the other Chinese places have less salty soy sauce than yours! I need to speak to your manager right now!"

(It's Kikkoman, right out of the bottle.)

The server gets our friend, the manager. She gives us an "Oh, shit" expression as she passes by.

The guy says that he can't have sodium and that her food is making his blood pressure go through the roof RIGHT NOW! She asks if she should call someone. No! he says, getting up. He will pay for the egg rolls, but he has to leave immediately because he needs MEDICAL ATTENTION right away. He huffs and puffs over to the register with his bill. More commotion follows there.

Soon, he's huffing and puffing back to his booth, agitated. He can't find his wallet. IT WAS RIGHT HERE WHERE I WAS SITTING, he declared. WHERE DID IT GO? Everyone's staring now. The owner asks if he could have left it in the restroom. No, he says - he would never use the restroom here!

Finally, he says he must have left it at the doctor's office. The owner says, "Don't worry, we'll cover this. Feel better soon." He leaves. EDIT: Yes, he got in his car and drove away.

The owner comes over to sit with us. As we're talking, we happen to hear the boomer lady behind us:

"I want the dumpling soup, but the dumplings have to be fresh, and I want them well done. Also, I want extra ginger in everything. I love ginger. But less sugar, please. And when you serve the soup, can I please have two bowls. I want one bowl for the soup and another to put the dumplings in. Please don't serve the dumpling soup with the soup and the dumplings together."

r/BoomersBeingFools 9h ago

Merry Christmas


So I am a muslim (22f) and I don’t know if it’s the recent obsession with “Merry Christmas” over “Happy Holidays”, but it has been two days since christmas and I still have boomers coming up to be and aggressively saying “Merry Christmas”. I normally notice it a lot when it’s almost time for the holiday. I think they see my hijab and abaya and try to trigger me or something, because strangers in a store will walk up to me (and only me) and say “Merry Christmas” with literally no smile on their face. Of course I always say “Thank you! I hope you have a merry Christmas as well” and they just stare at me for a little and walk away. The whole interaction is always so weird and hostile. Muslims aren’t even a part of the “happy holidays vs merry christmas” debate we don’t have a winter holiday

r/BoomersBeingFools 9h ago

Boomer does not understand how Facebook works for animal shelter posts

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Comment above her was offering $5 to rescue that would foster the dog, Boomer can't figure out how to block a page and instead rants about the content trying to save animals from being put down. Big "old man yells at sky" energy.

r/BoomersBeingFools 9h ago

Thanks boomers, I didn't need a house or anything....


So, I live in a high cost of living area that was hit very hard by the housing crisis. Homes around me start at $500k, and average around $750k. Apartments aren't much better, with studios starting at $1700. If you want something cheaper, you can rent someone's room for $1k! YAY!

We recently had some proposals come up to try to alleviate the housing crisis. A developer wants to put in 5 apartments, each with about 100 apartments. Along with this, another developer wanted to put single family homes in a vacant area. These would be starter homes and cheap apartments. Not requiring section 8 or fixed income, but definitely meant for less well off individuals.

My town also was talking about extending the bus network to cover these new developments and to increase bus frequency. Awesome!

Then came the boomers

"Why do we need more homes, we have enough people in this town"

Maybe because half the residents dont have homes!

"why do we need more transit, nobody uses the busses anyway"

maybe because they run once every 3 hrs to random out of the way places.

"Affordable housing will bring crime"

Just because someone doesn't make $100k a year, doesn't make them a criminal"

"What about us old folk"

How about you stop hogging the housing market with 5+ bedroom homes you dont need

"My house would loose value if you build more"

bro, your house increased in value 2000% in the last 10 years, you'll be fine.

So now, instead of having an extra 2000 residential spaces, my town is getting......

1 55+ community

1 55+ fixed income apartment building

a community center (obviously geared towards elder services) next to the new 55+ communities

and.........1 "luxury apartment" (the type that slaps luxury on their name, adds a gym that nobody uses, and charges $2000 for a studio.

Guess I gotta wait till my folks die to have a space of my own! yay me!

r/BoomersBeingFools 10h ago

Showing bra strap is sexual harassment now...


...and apparently gives you the right to put your hands on someone according to a Boomer in the comments of the video of the young woman with the old grandpa that "gently taps" her shoulder as a way of "showing love".

Like dude legit thinks a woman showing a strap is sexual harassment I fucking can't with these people.