r/BlackPeopleTwitter Jul 25 '24

Country Club Thread How yall feel about this

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Idc too much for politics, just wanna know other peoples opinions on it.


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u/Salt_Sir2599 Jul 25 '24

How are women voters that close?????


u/SewAlone Jul 25 '24 edited Jul 25 '24

White women with internalized misogyny and outright racism. The white women I know in the south are fine with being second class citizens to their husbands as long as they are still above people of color. (I'm white)

I should add that white college educated women vote in higher numbers for dems than the non-college educated ones, but there are a tons of ignorant white people out there.

eta: You also have the evangelical women who believe that forcing their personal religion on everyone will result in a better country.


u/damnuge23 Jul 25 '24

The “there’s just SOMETHING about her I don’t like” crowd. I’m not saying that anyone is beyond reproach, but there is a large demographic of people that will never like ambitious women. There are studies on it.


u/feo_sucio Jul 25 '24

I was in the military up during the waning years of the Obama administration and asked a woman I worked with if she would vote for Hillary (at this point in 2015 Trump was not yet considered the major Republican contender) and she strongly rejected the very notion. She said that she didn't like the risk that Hillary Clinton would be on the rag one day and get us into a war with Iran or some other bullshit.

I responded to her, "well, I think she's old enough that that's not an issue anymore, but you're also literally saying that she couldn't do the job because she's a woman, and you're a woman in the Navy. What are you saying about yourself? What are you saying about your daughter?"

She fell silent and was visibly bothered. After that interaction we still maintained pleasantries at work but never had a conversation about anything again, not even small talk.

edit: ps i'll give you one guess what ethnicity she was


u/Warrior_Runding Jul 26 '24

eta: You also have the evangelical women who believe that forcing their personal religion on everyone will result in a better country.

What is wild is that these same people will have complaints about the town/county they live in with detailed accounts of it being people from said town/county that have been run by the same people for decades, but when the discussion becomes "political" suddenly the woes of their local area are the result of problems from elsewhere.


u/[deleted] Jul 25 '24

White women are fairly reliable Republican supporters.


u/Anthraxious Jul 25 '24

Women are human. Humans are idiots. It is what it is.


u/EnlightnedRedditor Jul 25 '24

My thoughts exactly man wtf