r/Assistance Apr 21 '24

META Growing extra vegetables this year

This isn’t a normal type of offer for assistance, but I know we have a lot of generous people that lurk here. Can we get a thread of people pledging to grow extra vegetables in their garden this year for the explicit purpose of donating to food banks? Everyone deserves fresh food.

I pledge: I planted two extra tomatoes (one Roma, one cherry), and two extra green beans for the purpose of donating.

Here is a website that can connect growers with food pantries that accept fresh produce near them: https://ampleharvest.org/find-pantry/


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u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24

Do food banks accept fresh produce from random people? I am only asking because I would do this for sure if they would accept the donation.


u/GaryOppenheimer Apr 22 '24

AmpleHarvest.org enables any/every gardener in America, including "random" people to donate to one of more than 8,100 food pantries in 5,600 communities ... and now on Native American reservations too. Please share with all your gardening friends across America