r/Assistance Apr 21 '24

META Growing extra vegetables this year

This isn’t a normal type of offer for assistance, but I know we have a lot of generous people that lurk here. Can we get a thread of people pledging to grow extra vegetables in their garden this year for the explicit purpose of donating to food banks? Everyone deserves fresh food.

I pledge: I planted two extra tomatoes (one Roma, one cherry), and two extra green beans for the purpose of donating.

Here is a website that can connect growers with food pantries that accept fresh produce near them: https://ampleharvest.org/find-pantry/


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u/[deleted] Apr 21 '24

Do food banks accept fresh produce from random people? I am only asking because I would do this for sure if they would accept the donation.


u/perfectlyPositive Apr 21 '24

Mine does! I’m in Utah. On the Utah food banks page it specifically states they accept home grown produce as long as it is >80% viable