r/AskDocs 1d ago

I have been sick for 7 months and the symptoms keep getting worse, help?


I am hoping this can reach someone who can help me, because I am out of options at this point. 7 months ago I got sick, symptoms being nausea (without vomiting), severe fatigue and dizziness, diarrhea, and severe abdominal pain. Sometimes the pain is sharp, sometimes it’s general, symptoms would appear once or twice a week. I thought it may have been related to a recent birth control I switched to, so I went to my obgyn. I switched to a progesterone only birth control, and started taking vitamin B 6 & 12 every day. After a couple weeks of that not working I went to my primary care doctor (pcd) and they gave me ondansetron. The medication had no effect so they switched it to a higher dosage, which still had no effect (I was taking the maximum amount that I could). My nausea became more constant (about once a day) and they switched me to promethazine, which made me even more sick. They did a stool sample for any sort of bacteria and everything came back negative. I have had blood tests done for almost everything, vitamin levels, protein levels, infection, white blood cell count, etc. everything came back normal, except for slightly elevated glucose levels once, and slightly decreased glucose levels once. I had both a colonoscopy and an endoscopy done, and they diagnosed me with gerd. So I started taking antiacids. They weren’t working to I started taking 20mg omeprazole, which didn’t help. I am currently taking 80 mg omeprazole daily with no effect. I tried metaclipramide, which didn’t help either. I had a lower abdominal ct done and it came back normal. I have tried every over-the-counter medication I can find. I have tried a gluten free diet, a non-dairy diet, a non-acidic diet, I have avoided anything spicy and anything acidic. The symptoms are now as follows: constant nausea that does not go away, extreme fatigue, muscle weakness, light headed, headaches, weight loss, difficulty swallowing, painful swallowing, joint pain, insomnia, period spotting, difficulty breathing, and bloating in the stomach region right below the ribs. If this is of any help I am an 18 yr female, I have had undiagnosed issues in the past that looked a lot like autoimmune, but I tested negative for any markers, I have never traveled anywhere, I work outdoors, I am from Arizona, USA, I am white, I weighted 98 lbs before this started, I am now at 80. I am 5’0. It has been 7 months of this now, and I am out of ideas on what to do. The experience has been extremely painful, I lost my job and my apartment in the process. If anyone can help at all please, please give me some hope. I am not sure if I can mentally deal with this much longer.

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Mental confusion (forgot who I was or what was going on) during a head rush.


Male, 23, 5’8, 125lbs. Is this normal for headrushes or something more serious medically. I still feel a little bit weird after but I’ve had a few drinks so i’m not sure if it’s the headrush situation or the drinks.

r/AskDocs 1d ago

[M20] Difficulty moving hands and face when cold, like moving in molasses



When the temperature gets below 0°C I regularly have issues with my hands and face getting so cold that I can barely move them, my speech gets really slurry, slow and hard to understand and it’s the same with, for example, typing on a smartphone keyboard.

When that happens I’m not hypothermic, often I actually sweat below my jacket and don’t feel too cold at all except for my fingers and face, which feel really cold.

It’s not Raynaud’s syndrome, I get that on my toes on rare occasions but never experienced it on my hands so far. It also seems like it’s not caused by my ADHD medication as the issues persist when I don’t take them.

I, for some reason, have a lot of buccal fat despite being at a normal weight, though I’m unsure if that has an effect on the sluggish muscles, maybe the fat has an insulating effect that causes the muscles near to the skin surface to rapidly cool?

Is this normal, or is this known to be a disorder/linked to a disorder?

M20 192cm 85 kg Medication: Elvanse (ADHD)

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Muscle Stiffness When Drinking



I am a 26 year old female, white, of middle eastern descent-- I've struggled with this for as long as I can remember. Whenever I drink alcohol, I will feel this random stiffness in my muscles. usually shoulders/neck/upper arms, and then part of my legs, mostly glutes. It lasts about half hour, and then I can feel loose and tipsy.

I don't really drink much anymore, but this sensation happens to me when I drink Kombucha! Which has such a negligible amount of alcohol. Any Idea what this could be? I'm wondering about intolerance, an enzyme I might be lacking, or some central nervous system hypersensitivity. Should I be worried?

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Should I be okay to get my LFT blood work 3 days after ceasing alcohol?


25 Female

I’ve recently been prescribed Accutane. I need to get my bloods checked before I start. I’m not a big drinker I only drink every few months or so but over the last week I’ve had drinks on a few nights due to the holiday period. I don’t want my results to be inaccurate due to this. Normally my LFT’s are within normal limits. I’m worried that my recent alcohol intake will make it higher than my usual baseline. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Physician Responded should I f26 be concerned about low WBC and PLT


here are my blood test results and Im not sure whether to be worried. I wasn’t fighting any infections within the last month. I just got off my period if that’s relevant. I am also anaphylactic to all nuts and sesame and have previously had issues with low iron and eczema. I am 5’6 and 114lbs. Any thoughts, Im a little worried.
WBC 3.7 K/uL, RBC'S 4.49 M/uL, HGB 126 g/dL, HCT 39.3 %, MCV 88 fL, RDW/RBC 14.7 %, NRBC 0/100WC, PLT 130K/uL . edit with doctors message: she said to start taking iron tablets because my ferritin levels are low and that she’s ordered tests again in a few weeks and in a few months

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Physician Responded Chronic abdominal pain possibly from swallowing glass


22 male. Five months ago I got drunk at a club in a empty stomach. Did shots and what not. Next day I was hungover and later the next day it felt like something was stuck in my right side in my small intestine. It just wouldn't move down it was really annoying. Three days later it shifted to the left side. It was stuck there for a bit then shifted. Later that stuck feeling was now a full painful feeling shifting back and forth. A few times I caught it shifting it the full pain would go away on one side then a few seconds later it was in the other side.

Then I started to have digestive issues grumbling pain gas one time even blood in stool. I had to quit drinking entirely because it would cause worse intestinal issues.

Flash back a month ago I had this long rubbery string that came out of me. I had rectal bleeding my asshole was uncomfortable for about a week. I thought it mightve been a protective layer my body made to get the glass out but idk I couldn't find the glass in it. I did have meta muscle but it wasn't meta muscle it was a lot stronger and rubbery. Never seen anything like it.

Last few weeks I've been feeling better not a 100% but it does come and go. One week I'm fine next week I'm not. I think it's my colon that's having issues now not my small intestine as much. But it does seem like I have an issue with dairy all of a sudden which I looked up could be a sign of small intestinal damage.

I think it was glass because of the initial symptoms. They had these thin glass tube shots that I think might have been the culprit. I've read online that I should come out pretty quickly if it was glass but I don't know what else it would be and I don't think it's impossible for it to not be from glass.

I guess what I'm really asking is will I ever recover from this

I did have an X-ray and blood work with no problems And I do have photos

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Younger male struggling with heart issues, but recent tests are fine, feel like I’m going nuts.


Hey all. I appreciate you taking the time to read this. I’m sorry for the long post. It’s been a hell of a year! 27-year-old male. Medications: Seroquel 100MG/night for sleep (DISCONTINUED) Suboxone 2MG/day doxepin 2MG/PM for sleep metoprolol 25MG/day Lactulose 15ML/day.

I began feeling heart palpitations a year and a half ago. My heart would feel like it was skipping a beat frequently throughout the day, and every once in a while, I would have an episode where my heart would start thumping rapidly and I would get dizzy. During those episodes I would feel my heart pounding in my head. These symptoms were also accompanied by sporadic/random arm, back, chest, and jaw pain.

During months of DR and ER visits, I was given a stress tests and multiple EKGs, which were all fine. Finally, a doctor decided to put me on a heart monitor for a month. While wearing the monitor they detected a 10 beat run of ventricular tachycardia with a heart rate of 134. I was told this was serious and given a referral to a cardiology center. The cardiology center put me on metoprolol and sent me for some tests.

The metoprolol helped significantly, but I was still having the v-tach episodes and palpitations. My family doctor suggested I get off seroquel to stop the episodes, (I had been taking seroquel for 7 years for sleep), but since stopping seroquel and switching to doxepin, the v-tach episodes have stopped! I was so happy. I still randomly feel heart palpitations (much less frequently though) and the sporadic pain though. These remaining symptoms will be gone for weeks and then come back suddenly. They seriously worry me. In response to this the cardiac center prescribed a different heart monitor for 2 weeks and a TRANSTHORACIC ECHO (TTE).

The findings from both were fine. (I will paste the final comments from both tests below just for clarity) TTE findings: The left ventricle is normal size. The left ventricular function is normal. The estimated ejection fraction is within normal limits (>55%) . There is normal LV segmental wall motion. The left ventricular diastolic function is normal. The right ventricle is normal size. The eige trace tralaspay regurgitation. ASP 15 22 mm/H9- There is no pulmonary hypertension. The IVC is normal in size and collapses >50% with inspiration. RAP is - 5 mm/Hg.

Heart monitor findings: Patient had a min HR of 36 bpm, max HR of 124 bpm, and avg HR of 62 bpm. Predominant underlying rhythm was Sinus Rhythm. Isolated SVEs were rare (<1.0%, 54), and no SVE Couplets or SVE Triplets were present. Isolated VEs were rare (<1.0%, 901), VE Couplets were rare (<1.0%, 11), and VE Triplets were rare (<1.0%, 3).

To be honest though I feel like I’m back at square 1. I’m worried my cardiologist is going to treat me like my symptoms are imaginary/anxiety only, just like I was treated before the v-tach was discovered. I have had countless restless nights and anxious days because I’ll randomly feel chest or arm pain, or I’ll feel my heart skip a beat. I’m tired of worrying that I’m going to die in my sleep. I even stopped vaping a year ago. (I’m stuck on those dumb nicotine pouches but I stay on a low dose and am trying to get off those as well.) Is there anything I should ask my cardiologist for? I really appreciate you reading this. I’m sorry this is all such a mess, it’s just been a year or worrying. And I’m at a loss. Peace and love and my thanks.

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Physician Responded Is it generally not advisable for someone from the US to get screenings outside the US and bring results back to their US based providers?


30M, Normal abdominal/pelvis CT and normal RUQ abdominal Ultrasound, normal blood work, but bilirubin has been oscillated between .8 and 1.3. I've never had chronic pain until a recent GERD flare/ Gallbladder attack (unsure which yet). The chronic pain is as follows.

  • 1x-2x per week: mild RUQ pain: started as described above, and has calmed a lot since i cleaned up my diet (mostly whole foods now, healthier fats, less red meat), but I still get occasional RUQ pain. The precise area is approximately where the liver is on anatomy diagrams, just under my right pec. If I press there, I touch rib bone. Fatty food seems a possible trigger, but it seems to happen without fatty food sometimes, or even hurt a bit when I haven't eaten much.
  • 1x-2x per week: mild RLQ pain near pelvis/iliac area (needling pain, regardless of movement), flank near top of hip (dull pain, only felt while moving the trunk), and lower back near top of hip (dull pain, only felt while moving the trunk). RLQ pains began a month after the above described gallbladder attack/GERD episode. It has continued for the last 6 months, and is getting slightly worse. This happens regardless of whether I'm eating or fasting. Can't connect it to anything.

Issue: I'm having extreme difficulties getting timely tests scheduled in US hospitals. There are limited windows where scheduling can be done, and wait times can be months. I just waited a few weeks for an appointment with a provider and reported I was fine, just to experience symptoms the very next day and require scheduling again. I can't afford these delays as I feel there's something quite weird happening with my body.

Also, in the US, they're making do a HIDA scan before scheduling me for a lower GI endoscopy, literally because of fears about the order of tests impacting insurance coverage. Like dude, I don't care about the effing coverage, I care about suffering permanent organ damage as I sit here getting one exam per 3 months.

I have a friend who's father spent 15 years getting d*cked around in the US, and got a definitive diagnosis in South America within about 5 days. I'm trying to same route, and have already scheduled an upper endoscopy and ultrasound. And probably going to get a lower GI endoscopy arranged as well.

Can any US based doctor comment on whether the risk/reward of these types of procedures makes sense for me to do them in a high-end Latin American hospital to cut my waiting time by probably 6 months+?

Some of my concerns are

  • how to get the imaging and diagnoses back to the US hospitals and whether they'll accept them
  • procedural complications/quality (though I believe upper and lower GI endoscopies are relatively low risk and I've been aligned with a GI specialist with very strong recommendations. The ultrasound, I believe, is very very low risk.
  • The RLQ pain has gone on for the last 6 months, and is getting slightly worse, so I fear irreversible/serious damage if I let the US system string me along too long.

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Spotty vision


Hiii. You know when you stare at the sun for too long and you get spots in your vision for a short while? I keep getting this in my right eye sporadically. I’ll go through 3-4 day patches where it happens 10-20 times a day. They’ll last between 15-60 seconds and then it fades away. Has been happening for the last few months. Sometimes I will go weeks without it happening at all before it’s starts happening again. I thought it could be diet related but I can’t seem to pinpoint what might be impacting it. It happens at any given moment, whether I’m sitting, standing, lying down, walking, not moving at all - doesn’t seem to common thread. No other symptoms I don’t think.

26 - female - 61kgs - 5”5 - no medications - non smoker

r/AskDocs 1d ago

bladder issues


i’m 17F and sometimes i have an overreactive bladder. most of the times i urinate a normal amount of times but sometimes, after drinking just one sip of water, i’ll need to pee like 10 minutes later. my bladder feels very full too even though i only took a small sip. what could be the problem?

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Could public gyms be keeping me sick?


I (18F) have been having flu like symptoms for two months with constant daily nausea, before anyone asks, I have already had a negative pregnancy test, not sexually active, and about to get my period (having my regular symptoms), so I'm sure it's not pregnancy. The reason I suspect it may be the gym is, I got a mild cold right before I started hitting the gym pretty hard after about a year or so of not working out, I usually get seasonally sick so I ignored it, but I started becoming concerned because ive never been this sick before. the nausea lasts all day but it's always worse after I work out. Honestly there's not a day in years that I've felt 100% so I'm not sure, for now I'm going to stop going to the public gym because I realized it's likely not sanitary even if im thoroughly cleaning my own equipment. Any ideas? Just so so sick of being sick!

r/AskDocs 1d ago

39F fetus has 2 brain cysts not Choroid Plexus cysts


Im 39F. Currently 31 wk pregnant Hi, my prenatal tests are all good did NIPT and anatomy scan at 20wks- all good. I had a parvovirus infection around wk 23 hence doing a detailed scan every week to make sure everything is okay for baby (mainly checking for anemia). However on wk 29, the sonographer found 2 cysts in the baby’s brain and im soooo devastated. Doctor said it is not choroid plexus cysts as the position is in the anterior side and not on the choroid plexus.

The ultrasound report says: Avascular cyst 9.7 x 6.1 mm seen lateral to the Rt anterior horn of lateral ventricle and 6.3 x 4.4mm seen lateral to the Lt anterior horn of the lateral ventricle. No ventriculomegaly. No hydrops, no cardiomegaly.

I did a fetal MRI yesterday and amnio on Friday 27 Dec and only meeting the doctor next thursday 2 Jan.

Has anyone here seen anything like this? So anxious and worrying and I hope my baby will have good outcome with intervention…..

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Black toe nail on my feet thumb. Is it melanoma?


Male, 23 years old. 2-3 weeks ago, I was using pair of shoes for a concert. I admit the shoes was a bit tight and I can feel my feet thumb in a little bit pain, but it doesn't bother me much, so I continue using for about 7 hours.

Few days later, I'm noticing some black bruises on my thumb toe nail. I searched up on Google what cause it and it made me startled (but not too much hehe). But some web said that are symptoms to melanoma. Am I? Hopefully not tho. My guess for that, is because of dead blood vessel cause by the tight shoes and long period of use. But I can be wrong

For now, my right feet thumb are feeling like cramps since that 2-3 weeks and feeling mild pain on my front right to middle feet, just under it (sorry if my English is bad)

Actually this is not my first time experiencing that, few years ago I have the same symptoms but not as long as now

Should I be worry? Any advice are welcomed. Thank you!

r/AskDocs 1d ago

chronic back pain


(19f) I deal with back pain almost everyday for years now, i have scoliosis, bad posture, on my feet for about 9 hours a day, and i have a bigger chest. Nothing terrible though. Recently the middle of my back has been in terrible pain, by being at work for 3 hours the pain is all i can think about. It’s been going on for about a week and the heat was making it worse/ice was helping. Any advice at all 🙏

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Penis suddenly very sensitive (31M) NSFW


Hello, I don’t how to put this really. So first let me preface that I can generally ejaculate normally, erections are generally normal. I became sexually active at 22 and haven’t generally had issues but I had noticed that I didn’t really feel much on my glands, they would expand a lot but I wouldn’t say they were super sensitive. Intercourse is generally enjoyable but since it didn’t feel super sensitive frustration would arise because of the time it would take to ejaculate. Additionally, because the general feeling wasn’t sensitive sometime I would loose my erection because I wouldn’t feel anything. I thought it was overstimulation but I know it is in part psychological because I want to finish but I can’t or I have to use my imagination and thing about the act of intercourse rather than just enjoying. It feels similar to when using certain types of antidepressants, idk.

I have an ok penis 6.5-7.5 with large glands and uncircumcised and I realized when I masturbate I wouldn’t really touch the glands because either the feeling wasn’t too enjoyable or it I just didn’t feel it very much. The glands prevent the foreskin from going over the glands when erect so it can get a lot of friction which I figured had contributed to the desensitization. The rim of the glands were sensitive but the actual glands not so much. But suddenly my glands have become very sensitive, I guess not in a bad way but I’m wondering what happened. It feels like there is a sudden connection /reconnection? Is that normal? I’ve only had 1 partner and have been in a committed relationship since 22 (not for religious reasons or anything) I just didn’t feel a sexual drive I guess because my penis wasn’t sensitive.

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Physician Responded Visible heartbeat


Hello, 15f and I've been dealing with a visible heartbeat. I've had this since I was 9-10 when I was starting to go thru puberty. I'm not experiencing any unusual stuff though. Heart rate is pretty normal and everything else, just that my left chest is twitching every heartbeat? About to go to a physical check up since quora scared me too much.
(Additional info: Im underweight by a few kilos and have a thin build, not too thin like anorexic but thin and I'm not exactly flat chested either.)

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Physician Responded medication and diagnosis question


19yo female, 5’5, 180lbs, used to smoke, parents smoked, no previous medical issues. 1 year long cough issue

went to urgent care today to get my long term cough checked out. it's been happening for over a year. i constantly feel mucus in my throat and it gets super bad at night. they diagnosed me with acute bronchitis, which i don't even understand how it could be that when it's so long term. i was given these 4 medications

albuterol inhaler, promethazine syrup, methylprednisolone pills, benzonatate pills

i see online that some of those interact pretty seriously with each other. what do i do? and do y'all think it really is just acute bronchitis? symptoms: back pain, chest tightness, almost constant coughing, sore throat, REALLY bad at night time. thank you

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Does my throat look ok?


(17yr old male smoker)I’ve been experiencing trouble swollowing along with a swollen lymph node that has been persisting for about 8+ months and I feel like my throat recently just started looking really unhealthy it’s pretty itchy and one tonsil looks weird compared to the other along with the bumps. and been getting weird symptoms like just feeling out of it can somone plz help


r/AskDocs 1d ago

Physician Responded Long term iron infusions- safe?


Hi. I am a 32 year old female 200 lbs with hypothyroidism. I have been diagnosed with iron deficiency and have labs that show low iron and low iron saturation, borderline low ferritin, low mch and mchc but normal hemoglobin, hematocrit, etc.

I don’t absorb iron in the form of pills because after taking the supplements my levels didn’t change. My doctor had me do multiple rounds of iron infusions last year that stabilized my levels but now they’re low again. The theory is that this is due my heavy periods and the doctor doesn’t feel the need to pursue additional reasons.

I am not a candidate for birth control pills to lessen my bleeding as I do want more children in the future and previously had a blood clot from a birth control pill.

1) My doctor said I should pursue other options to reduce my bleeding but I’m not sure what else is out there. Ideas??

2) if I do need to get iron infusions regularly for the rest of my time menstruating (20 years more or so) is this ok and safe? I cannot find much information on long term effects of this expect random anecdotal stories of people being hospitalized for iron infusions. Reassurance that this is safe long term to do regularly would be great.

Thank you!

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Meniscus tear


Hi all! I’m a 29 year old female and I believe I tore my meniscus today. I have an appointment with an orthopedic doctor next week Where I'll get an MRI to see if there is a tear and the severity. I'm wondering though if there are any orthopedic doctors or therapists here who can give me an idea of healing time. Online l've seen anywhere from 6 weeks to a full year. I've also previously read that RICE isn't always the best approach to healing anymore and that it may be wise to start rehabbing it sooner rather than later. Is this true? I tore ligaments in my ankle years ago and RICE immediately after the injury followed by PT helped it heal in a few months but I still have issues with it. I'm worried my knee will be the same.

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Physician Responded Please help with xray


14 year old male Snowboarding accident Landed on left side and shoulder took the majority of impact States he heard and felt a pop like a knuckle cracking but much stronger and immediate pain. Thought he dislocated it. As he stood it felt as if things slid back but still hurt. Can move it slightly straight out. Does not hurt to touch but hurts to move to the side or up. Can move slightly forward....no swelling and fingers can move, grip, etc

ER said broken shoulder last night but when we went to Orthopedic this morning they told us the radiologist from same ER reported negative findings early this morning (?) Orthopedic took new images to send to pediatric orthopedic surgeon. They want an MRI. Mentioned a fracture, something about the ball being pushed in and wanting to check his labrum and growth plate. What do you see? I'll post images in comments when approved. It would not let me add them here Thank you!

r/AskDocs 1d ago

31F Should i be worried? Wisdom tooth shattered 2yrs ago, there's still pieces working their way out, and now I have a hole in my gums that I can't see or feel the bottom of


I already posted on r/askdentist. Just looking for more opinions

Im a 31yr old female. No history of oral surgery or serious dental issue aside from this. I drink on occasion, daily smoker, and from me trying to remove the piece of tooth (explained below) I have mild but noticeable swelling from the outside of my jaw/cheek area extending to my eye. Pain is mild, maybe a 2/10. No drainage. No fowl smell. No fever or signs of infection.

Back story. My bottom wisdom teeth are impacted. I was supposed to have them out but couldn't afford the surgery. Fast forward about 2 months after i had xrays (June 2022) taken I woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating pain and with chunks of tooth all through my mouth. Apparently I grind my teeth worse than I realized and the top wisdom tooth broke the bottom one. I went to the dentist but again was told I needed surgery I couldn't afford. I suffered through the dying of the exposed nerve and eventually all was well. There was a hole where the tooth had been but it didn't bother me. About 4 months later I'm having more pain and I realize a chunk of the tooth was working its way out of the hole. Got it out myself and again, all was well. On and off since then I've had small pieces work their way out. The hole finally closed over so I thought I was good until about 3 weeks ago. Another large (biggest piece yet) chunk of tooth reopened my gum and is trying to come out. I attempted to remove it tonight but only got small pieces and a piece of my gums from where the tooth tore through.

Now my question is, it feels as if there is a very deep hole between the tooth chunk and my last molar. Like deep enough my tongue can't feel anything there. Should I be worried about this? I used a dental mirror and can't see anything that looks bad (I know the whole situation is bad but I see nothing obvious that screams "you're going to die!") My husband is laid off for the winter so i really dont have the money to even go to the dentist. Is there anything I should really watch for? Like specific symptoms that say i need to be seen asap? I have pretty severe anxiety especially with my health after enduring a laundry list of medical trauma. I want to make sure I'm not freaking over nothing and want to know when I really should be concerned.


r/AskDocs 1d ago

Physician Responded Cat Scratched Penis NSFW


Male, age 30, 5 ft. 10, 159 lbs

Throwaway because I’m so fucking embarrassed to even write this.

I was laying on my couch in my underwear and my cat, in an attempt to go from one side of the couch to the other, stepped directly on the tip of my penis while his back claws were out.

The initial pain made me check to make sure everything was okay and sure enough, I was bleeding from the uh, hole(?). I cleaned it with a warm wash cloth, gently, and it looks like the bleeding has subsided.

I’m wondering if there’s anything I should be doing to make sure this is okay/doesn’t get infected? Also anything to calm my brain down would be great because I’m freaking out.

Thank you to anyone who reads and replies to this. I wish this was a joke.

r/AskDocs 1d ago

Passing watery ejaculate /jellylike substance at abnormal times


Male 23 Europe, Throwaway account because this is a bit gross;

Yesterday when me and my partner were getting a bit frisky (not penetration, just a handjob) I seemed to pass an ejaculate like substance way before orgasm that wasn’t pre-cum. It was half milky liquid and half white jelly like lumps? Shortly after ejaculated normally, but this was weird, there was a fair amount of it.

Also when I have a large bowel movement, similar stuff releases though not as liquidy. Apparently this is prostatic fluid from it being pressed on when I have a bowel movement.

I’ve also had had mild on and off testicle pain for a few years and random bouts of needing to frequently urinate while this has happened, had 2 testicular ultrasounds that were clear, had a UTI test that was clear, had STD tests that came up clear.

What could this be and is it a cause for concern? Has anyone else experienced similar?
