I've been having this hunger issue for quite some time,
it's getting to the point where I can't even go 2-3 hours without eating,
and in the last 6 months, I've gained over +35 pounds (190lb) .
there have been times when I have eaten all day!
and literally, cooked all day or never had time to sit down and enjoy my peace or be productive.
I use to eat a regular diet, ranging from anything with protein, carbs, and fiber.
and recently switched to Greens & a whole-food diet (rice, potatoes, tomatoes), etc.
..even fruits well as (apples, bananas, pairs)
As of right now, I'm down to 177lb and still feel FAT *ASFK, ...excuse my language, my height is 5'8.
one day I was so hungry I just kept cooking until I got full...
but nope I puked everything up and went to sleep feeling extra hungry.
it's getting to the point where I'm constantly buying groceries every 5 days.
woke up hungry, the second I'm out of bed.
go to sleep hungry, the second I brush my teeth.
and gaining weight by hours.
if I were to describe the feeling of this,
it'll feel like the fat kid from the movie matilda,
that keeps on eating cake but ( i ) never gets full.
another way I would describe this.
is like being a ghost and trying to eat food that goes right through you,
and you never get full and still feel hungry.
theirs been times I would eat, drink, sleep, consistently all week but no matter what I do..
I'm either, hungry or EXTREMELY Hungry. (after eating, in the same seconds)
I believe I tried every basic solution, eating more, switching diets, drinking more water, rest, etc.
(Sometimes i would have +4 Bowel Movements in one day)
nothing seems to work at this point and it's getting to the point where
i don't even remember or know the satisfaction of fullness. (To An Extreme)
the idea and thought of that sounds like a dream. - that's how long it's been (8 yrs).
.. I'm only 22(M), I don't drink or smoke, or d** any drugs.
I do take sleep medication but this issue has been unresolved years before getting prescribe that.
(although my medication has tame that feeling down a bit.. weirdly...???)
** Slightly Explicit Text Below **
a few weeks ago, I noticed a big red 'blood' like blob in my stool,
and a few weeks after I kept seeing dark black pieces in my stool.
and even after that.. slobby white lines of Mucus in my stool.
like wtf...???
So I'm starting to believe that I should starve myself to death until mental distress keeps arising, or eat up until I'm on 'My 600lb Life' on, TLC.
Because it's getting, really, really, aggravating
I can hardly Think, Do, Reason, Work without happening to Eat. Eat. Eat and starve some more.
it's like I'm constantly going in Freakin' loops !!!
every week, hour, month, time of the day.
for the love of god
can anyone help a brother out
or that minds educating,
give me advice, or guide me
on what the actual F*** is going on with my stomach BRO!!
and a little reminder I deal with this issue Everyday 24/7.
imagine how much this has been building up.
I'm my last straw. PLZ UPVOTE 🙏
last year I went to the docs about this they just said.. "eat some crackers to trick your stomach to feel.. "full...???" or "your probably a little hungry" ...obviously, Dr.Asshat
Sorry Redditors. I'm just a lil frustrated about this issue and need a viable solution, please an thank you.
I.E I would love to hear some advice from a few of you, that would be much appreciated an, thank you.. again.
<0- PEACE&LOVE -0>