So I've got this idea that's been stuck in my head forever now , of just living off a bicycle traveling up and down the east Coast to avoid shitty temperatures and living on side to society, have nice set of clothes in my pack to blend in when not traveling, shop lifting from mega corps when I need something, maybe do a performance act whenever I wanna get money. And hang out at libraries and colleges for the WiFi and access to media
I've lived without a phone plan for about 2 years now , don't own a car and ride an ebike in rural area , sleep in a hammock in the house, and shoplift 60% of my grocery bill . I'm 20 something and live with my partner which is the only reason I haven't gone off and done it yet because they wanna live a normal life , I'm gonna get a job at Wally world grabbing carts cause I just wanna listen to audio books all day and use my body
And my main question is , would doing it be all that much of jump for me or is probably just day dreaming for me ?