u/Zofia_Lover_1993 11h ago
I always save grenade luncher or rpg for this section of the game after I suffered on my first time.
u/Majestic-Mongoose-87 2h ago
finally i always beat that part of the game with the one-shot guns. they are the best for this demons while its still annoying haha
u/Electrical_Paper_214 11h ago
Just keep the fact that they killed sully i your mind and youll kill them all easily
u/Majestic-Mongoose-87 2h ago
i always wondered why they chose to „kill” Sully again. i think that after uncharted 1 everyone was hoping that he somehow survived. and it also happened very quickly when in uncharted 1 it had sense cause we didnt know Sully well in uncharted 3 i think it would be more emotional then just leaving him AGAIN on the ground.
u/Onyx-Owl2127 7h ago
This looks so cozy I love it lol
u/Majestic-Mongoose-87 2h ago
ye i love playing like this. at first my mom didnt want me to have a tv on the coffee table and wanted to hang it on the wall but i was more stubborn then her💪 MEN playing rdr like this was also AMAZING
u/Direct_Background_61 4h ago
They were the hardest for me out of every other monsters in all Uncharted games when I went for the platinums.
u/Majestic-Mongoose-87 2h ago
boss in uncharted 2 was pretty hard too for me. also DAMN platinums i tried sometimes but my motivation was too low
u/Direct_Background_61 1h ago
I’d say Chapter 14 boss fight in Uncharted 2 was harder for some reason. And as for the final boss, there are tutorials on how to defeat him without moving from one spot; I wasn’t gonna stress myself out on Crushing.
u/55_bartholomeos 13h ago
this is so relaxing. i need to play uncharted while laying down in bed just like that. also atmosphere looks great