u/tiertwotactical May 28 '19

AFK Money Guide ($5.4M/2hrs of sales) NSFW Spoiler

Thumbnail self.gtaonline


Please help. Relationship questions.
 in  r/relationship_advice  Aug 24 '19

Thanks bro. I found out from a close friend of both of ours that she needs a little bit of space and that she is in fact having a rough time. I will have to see how it plays out. Thanks for the help and advice


Please help. Relationship questions.
 in  r/relationship_advice  Aug 24 '19

I am not 100% sure that the family situation was faked. I personally could not pick out any red flags because while she was down south for a bit, we would face time for hours a night. We also constantly texted and snapchatted each other all hours, but yesterday she seemed kind of distant but not showing little to any signs of distress. I also meant to add that she was adding to her Instagram page with laughing emojis which I thought were a bit odd considering one of her family members are hospitalized.

r/relationship_advice Aug 24 '19

Please help. Relationship questions.


Hello, here is some background information: I am a 15 yr old Sophomore I went on an exchange to Germany for two weeks I met this girl on the trip who goes to my school but is two years older, but we hit it off by the second week.

So last night, me and said girl were planning to Uber down to the city for a nice dinner and we were all dressed up, me in suit, her in dress, and seconds before getting into the Uber, she gets a call from her mother saying her grandfather was hospitalized for a heart attack. Here I am with an Uber, and reservation at a very expensive spot, and it is all changed. I say whatever to it because it is a family emergency and things happen, so I head back to my place and change into causal clothes and meet my friend a few towns over and go to dinner. During the time period from 6:45pm-11:45pm, she changes her Instagram bio. We both have our initals with a heart (<3) in our bios at the top. She totally erased mine but never indicated that we are breaking up, considering this is the second week we are formally dating. During this time when I am out with friends, I am fully convinced that there is a genuine family emergency. I go onto Snapchat where you can see the last persons location when they were in Snapchat, she either went into ghosted mode or blocked me from seeing her location. This is all very suspicious because it seems like she may be trying to dump me. I was unable to sleep last night because I was talking to a friend about how and why something like this could've possibly happened. This morning, I send a series of messages on Instagram, Snapchat, and messages. Each one asking either is everything okay, is your grandfather okay, and I was wondering why my initals aren't in your bio. She has not opened any of these but she did open my streaks on Snapchat. I have not gotten a reply back and it has been 3 hours. She has been active on Instagram but I cannot be sure about snapchat because either I am blocked from seeing her status or she is in ghosted mode. I would greatly appreciate it if someone can decipher what is going on and tell me if there are signals that I was dumped, and she is not telling me why.

Thank you all so much.


Running of the green bois
 in  r/gtaonline  Aug 22 '19

Hey I mean he was dedicated and he finally slept with her so I think it is a complete dub for him


Running of the green bois
 in  r/gtaonline  Aug 21 '19

I don't think many other people except us understood this as clearly as I did


 in  r/pinkfloyd  Jul 28 '19

Light up and you will love it 👍


Proud gaming dad moment🏆 me(lifeline) and my 8 son(pathfinder) got our first ever win on apex legends, albeit the 3rd member carried us the full game but we both got 4 kills each and he's now went to bed singing we are the champions. These are gaming moments that'll live with me forever.
 in  r/apexlegends  Jul 23 '19

Well yeah I think there can be a healthy mix but just gaming I think is something that would encourage laziness and unproductivity in a person's life. I play games plenty but I know limits and how to balance life along with fun activities.


ThIs iS hOw i'M rOLliNg uP tO tHe CAsiNo oN TuEsDay
 in  r/gtaonline  Jul 21 '19

story mode...


Question about twitch prime
 in  r/gtaonline  Jul 02 '19

Can you email it to me at reelproductionstudio.pa@gmail.com

r/gtaonline Jun 29 '19

Doomsday Heist


Hello, I was wondering if after finishing the Doomsday heist, can it be replayed??


So much for Criminal Mastermind Challenge...
 in  r/gtaonline  Jun 25 '19

Can you start heist series over to get CMM if you failed the first time or do you only have one shot?


My god I’ve finally found one...
 in  r/gtaonline  Jun 25 '19

Just a hint, join TeamMCCEO for public non-hostile lobbies ‼️‼️


b a c k i n g u p
 in  r/gtaonline  Jun 22 '19

What truck is this?


He just... Exploded.
 in  r/gtaonline  Jun 21 '19

What kind of truck is that?

r/Blackops4 Jun 19 '19

Image Just a normal tier reserve case and I didn't even have the SWAT RFT. I thank God for this.

Post image


Opened 5 tier supply drops... signing off to go buy a lottery ticket
 in  r/Blackops4  Jun 18 '19

How do I buy weapons on PS4?


RP System Broken?
 in  r/gtaonline  Jun 18 '19

Granted, but I have done over 50 sales and gained absolutely none RP progress.


RP System Broken?
 in  r/gtaonline  Jun 18 '19

Naw like I know them and I do heists but when you make a sell you earn RP but over my tons of sales I didn't earn RP when I usually do.

r/gtaonline Jun 18 '19

QUESTION RP System Broken?


I am a level 53 currently and I have earned around 13mil with bunker, facility, nightclub, CEO warehouse, CEO Veichle warehouse, Cocaine Lockup, Counterft Cash facotry, and I do a lot of events but you would think my RP would be much higher. Anyone know if something might've happened. Oi.